0.07 || riots and promises

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It takes us twenty minutes to find the nearest bar. Entering the building we could already see Michael laying on the counter with his head.

"Michael, I'm here."

He lifts his head and looks at me for a few seconds.

"I'm so sorry Maddie. I didn't plan to drink this much." I had trouble understanding him.

"It's okay, I'm not mad. "

He does something that must be a smile. Then he notices Bucky.

"Oh you brought Bucky! Very clever! "

"Alright" Bucky says, putting his arm around his own neck to get him off the bar stool.

The baar keeper nods at me when we leave into the fresh air. I join Michaels left side and so we carry him all the way home.

Out of breath we throw him onto the couch. Well, at least I was out of breath. Bucky looked like he just carried some flowers. Michael sleeps in as soon as his face touches the fabric. The good sister I am, I cover him in a blanket and turn around to bucky, suddenly feeling nervous.

"Thank you." I say quietly. His eyes scan my face and pin my eyes. He looks like he wants to say something but ends up silent. I bite my bottom lip and look down.

"I should leave now."

I'm unable to answer, so I watch him walk out from the corner of my eye.

As soon as he closes the door, I go into my bedroom and fall on the bed.

Right before I fall asleep, I hear someone riot from the other side of the bedroom wall.


I cover my ears, picturing his angry face. Thinking about how much he must suffer to think he must destroy everything around him to make it go away. I listen to him for another ten minutes, till the anger grabs me and I find myself harshly knocking on his door.

When he opens it, I don't stop knocking. I keep punching his warm hard chest, almost screaming. "Stop destroying your god damn apartment! You're scaring me!" The last sentence was more likely a cry. I feel his hands grabbing mine and stopping me from beating the shit out of him. I notice one hand being cold and hard, almost like iron. My eyes fall on his left hand. He's not wearing his glove and he is not hiding it. I stop and look at it. He lets go of my hand and observes my reaction with his red eyes. My breath is still shaky and I take a step back to have a full look on his arm. The whole left arm is in silver metal. And then my head clicks. I recognize him.

"You're the winter soldier." I whisper. "You're on the run from the government and a...hitman."

I can't believe I never recognized him. I only know him from his long hair and a mask on his face. Including the fact that I never actually followed the media on the whole avengers alien stuff. The god damn winter soldier is my neighbour and I'm freaking crushing on him. Hard. So hard, despite the facts I have from the media, I only see Bucky when I look at him.

"But you are...you. You're kind and helping and..." Perfect. Boyfriend material.

Bucky's eyes start to shimmer hopefully.

" I went to wakanda and they healed me. Hydra has no power over me anymore. I can make my own decisions. "

I stare at him.

"I swear" His voice shakes, his eyes wet, "I swear I don't murder anymore. I hated every single second of being the winter soldier."

Hearing the man you're falling for is the winter soldier must be scaring alone but realizing you believe his words scares me even more.

And because I am me, I slowly come closer, wrap my hands around his waist and rest my head on his chest. His heart beats so fast and loud, it almost calms me down because I felt the same.

"I believe you." I whisper and feel him exhale right before he wraps his arms around me and lets his chin rest on my head. I close my eyes and inhale his beguiling scent, never wanting to end this hug. Hugging always helped but hugging Bucky was like being healed from all the traumas and open wounds I have ever collected over my entire life. Life was easier with him and sad and grey without him. Saying that I can't imagine a life without him anymore wasn't even exaggerated at this point. Because with every second I feel his heartbeat beat against my ear, I fall more and more for this man. And I'm okay with that.

I lift my head and smile to calm him down, our faces are close. Bucky bites his lip, looking at mine. This look alone gave me the courage to close the way too big space between our lips. He monas dampened in surprise just to put more pressure into the kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck to pull him closer to me, feeling a whole firework exploding inside my stomach. Before the desire for more could overcome me, Bucky ends the kiss. In his eyes I can basically read 'slow down', which makes me blush and he smiles.

I let go of him, but stay close to him. I don't feel rejected, I feel calmed down and so incredibly happy.

My eyes wander behind him in the dark room. I see glass and other materials all over the floor and is that tapestry? He smashed the wall? Oh dear lord. Why is it so dark in here?

"What did the lamp do to you?" I joke softly to not ruin the moment.

He follows my eyes and scratches his neck ashamed.

"Too bright" He smirks.

"Okay but seriously...Why do you riot so much here?"

His smile falls and I immediately feel bad for asking. But I need answers.

He unites our hands and looks down at them.

" Sometimes I get overwhelmed by my feelings or when I think about how many peoples lives I have ruined or how many people I hurt. I just...get angry and...lonely. I feel so guilty, I just can't take it at some times. But I swear I would never hurt you or any other living soul. "

I nod slowly, worried about his well being and happy he actually told me the truth.

" If you ever feel overwhelmed again please know you can come over any time."

I pat his cheek gently, dying at the fact that he leans into the touch. He must be so touch starved. To my surprise he nods.

"Promise", I demand because I have a feeling he would not come over.

" I promise." 

figure you out ✓| Bucky Barnes [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now