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Bucky offered me to go to his apartment, and I agreed.

When he unlocked the door, my heart was beating faster.

Stepping inside his broken home felt so intimate, so private, but I am happy he trusts me.

He looks shy when he  lets me inside. The mess I saw the other night is gone, now everything is empty and in the sunshines that are coming through the window, I can see dust flying around. His walls aren't painted, his floor in a dark wood. I can see a beige sofa and TV that had a crack on the left upper corner. It looks like he just moved in.

And yet, I feel comfortable with him in his empty room.

"Feel free to...uh...do whatever you want. I mean, the options are limited but the couch is pretty comfortable."

I smile, because he's just so cute, and say: "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Well, maybe there is something." I think and he looks at me with full attention.


"Can I make a cake? In your kitchen?"

Bucky looks confused. "A cake?"

I scratch my arm and nod. "I hate when Michael is angry at me. Baking just makes me feel better and it gives me the time to think about everything"

"If you wish so." He looks a little worried looking at me.

"How can I help you?" I smile about his offer.

I need some kitchen items from my apartment but after that we can go shopping?"

"Sounds good" Now Bucky finally smiles too, softly squeezing my hand.

When I open the door to my apartment, I exhale, because Michael isn't home. So I quickly get all I need, Including some ingredients, before I leave. I leave everything behind in Bucky's kitchen and together we leave the apartment to go to the grocery store.

While walking through the shelves at the store, with a green shopping card and Bucky carefully listening next to me, I realize how little it takes to make me happy and how special this normal activity feels just because Bucky is by my side. I get happy when he starts to ask questions about my choices because that shows he actually actively shops with me. I also get questions like "what is that for?" or "you really need so little for a whole cake?" and he has no idea about the butterflies in my stomach because of that.

Back at Bucky's, we unpack all the stuff and immediately start doing a mixture.

"Can I help you with this or do you want to do it by yourself?" He asks from the other side of the kitchen counter.

"I'd really appreciate your company. You can put the frozen raspberries into a little pan to heat them up and put the gelatin into water, if you want."

His face tells me clearly he has no idea what I am talking about, but he starts looking through the bought groceries and finds everything.

When the cake is done, I let Bucky take the first bite and the face he makes tells everything.

"So cake it is, for you."

"This is really good. I have to correct myself: This is the best thing I ever ate. " He says with hungry eyes and I chuckle over his almost failing control.

I just watch him eat, with heart eyes, my chin in my hand, my elbow on my knie. This is all I ever need: A happy Bucky and pastry.

We eat half of the cake together and then I grab his hand to bring us to the couch.

figure you out ✓| Bucky Barnes [ENG]Where stories live. Discover now