Chapter 2: A handsome prince

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Today is the day! I'm going to meet the prince! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA! But don't worry I have a plan. I'm gonna meet with the prince today, get all my fangirling out of the way, then I'm going to kill myself. Then I should wake up in the hospital. I mean I would assume so, unless.... Focus! This will work it has to.

Camilla carefully adjusts my dress to be loose around my wrist, which I sprained in my fall. Camilla had also been the one to tell me what had happened to Claudette. Apparently she had caught a simple cough but then it suddenly got worse, then she must have died and I took her place.

"There! Is that loose enough?" Camilla smiled as she pulled away from my sleeve.

"Perfect" I smile, looking over my light green dress. It was the least elaborate thing I could find in Claudette's wardrobe. Though that wasn't to say it was simple, in the book Claudette is often remembered by Cordellia for her frilly dresses and delicate personality. The sleeves were sheer with floral embroidery racing up the arm. My new cherry red hair was delicately styled with an interlacing white ribbon.

"You look very pretty my lady, but are you sure you don't want any jewels?" She smiled holding up a box full of huge jewels. I gawked imagining myself being choked by one of the heavy necklaces.

"I'm good." I said pushing the box down to the table. "How much longer?"

"Only 20 minutes now." She laughed as I threw myself onto the couch. Over the past days we had begun to develop a friendship though she has yet to stop calling me my lady. Though it isn't as though 'Claudette' would be much better. It felt wrong to respond to the name of another girl.

"He's here" whispered Camila.

I moved my eyes slowly over to the window. And Camilla was right. Thibault was sitting in the tree. His hair is barely visible through the leaves.

"I will be back soon, my lady." She winked at me, once she left the room I sat myself up. I moved towards the balcony, careful to not reveal my true intentions. 3,2...1! Camilla opened the window in the hall scaring Thibault close enough for me to grab onto his leg.

"What the..?" he blurted out panically trying to pull away.

"Don't act so surprised you're the one stalking me!" I shouted trying to pull him onto the balcony. Camilla burst through the doors,

"My lady!"

"Help me!" She ran over and together we were able to pull him onto the balcony. He landed with a thud.

"Oh dear are you okay?" Camilla asked worriedly.

"No! You pulled me out of a tree!" Thibault shouted in response, rubbing his head.

"I wasn't talking to you!" Camilla huffed, turning to me, "My lady?"

"I'm fine, Camilla. Our plan worked perfectly!" I smiled as I squatted down to look Thibault in the eyes. "Now, what do you have to say for yourself, Thibault?"

"How do you know that name!" He snapped, eyes going dark.

"Do you prefer the dark knight?" I said rolling my eyes, what a tacky name. "Personally I think 'peeping tom' would be a better name."

"I'm not talking!" he grunted. Camilla grabbed a rope from her pocket and began tying him up. "Hey! What are you doing!"

"Hold still!" Camilla shouted trying. Suddenly the sound of gates opening distracted all of us. A black carriage pulled up to the house.

"It's the prince!" I ducked behind the railing, hiding next to my new captive.

"He's early, we best hurry up my lady." My face felt hot as I imagined meeting the Prince for the first time. I was going to meet Prince Julian. I buried my head into my lap. Camila grabbed my arm, pulling me up. "Get a hold of yourself. You can do this!"

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