Chapter 20

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I awoke 2 miles from the manor, the sunrise blinding me. Camilla was fast asleep on the opposite seat lying in the fetal position, her hands wrapped around a book. I tried to understand everything that had happened last night, trying to make sure I didn't miss anything.    

First, I learned the Toussaint family had a red crest with a hedgehog/ porcupine on it (I still don't know the difference) This is important because the person who is going to murder Claudette might have been the owner of the red handkerchief she saw, and as such might be part of a family with a red crest. That's a lot of mights. 

Then Claudette talked to me, even though we weren't in that weird void thing. And she controlled the body when I was about to pass out. Which probably isn't a good thing. 

Then I watched Belmont get.. you know... chop-chop. 

I thought back to my conversation with Julian. Was my evidence the reason Belmont was killed? My chest tightened. Was it my fault? Did I sentence him to die? No! I grabbed my hand to stop it from shaking. I didn't tell anyone to kill Belmont all I told them was the truth. I can't blame myself for others' actions and choices. This must just be how the justice system works here, no trials or anything. I will have to be careful in the future, don't want to lose my head over nothing.  

I need to focus on my main mission. If I can stop Claudette's murder then I can stop the book's original plot from happening. Therefore stopping Julian from being a villain and dying. Then I can finally go home. 

Home. That's not the right term. I didn't have a home in my world or this one.   

The carriage came to a jostling halt in front of the D'aurville manor. I clutched the seat in order to stop myself from flying forward. Camilla gently stirred awake, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. The driver came around and opened the door for us helping us out and grabbing the single bag of luggage we had thought to pack. 

"What is the meaning of this?" Came a thundering voice. I turned to see the Baron marching towards us, still wearing his robe and slippers. I would have laughed at the sight if it wasn't for the anger in his eyes. Camilla quickly dropped into a curtsey behind me. 

"I..." I stuttered, trying to come up with an excuse on the spot. 

"My lady fell sick late last night. We determined it would be best to bring her back to the manor so she could be treated." Camilla said, still curtseying. The baron considered this answer looking me over. I faked a cough trying to help sell him on Camilla's excuse. 

"Why was she not left at the place? They have the best doctors in the country there," I glanced at Camilla unsure if he believed her or not. 

"I apologize my lord I did not think of that. I-"

"It was my idea," I interrupted her. "I told her to bring me here. I thought I had just over-exerted myself, being away from home for so long." He looked us both over, I put my hands behind my back to hide how sweaty they were. Finally, he sighed relaxing his shoulders. 

"You are dismissed, I shall take the lady to her room," Camilla scampered away at his order, shooting me a worried look as she did. Once her back was turned to me I could see she was clutching a note. I almost laughed I could see from here that it was Tillie's handwriting. It was probably instructions on how to properly lie to the baron. 

I was startled to attention when the baron offered me his arm. I took it hesitantly and we walked into the manor. Was he mad at me? He had never wanted to spend time with me before now, surely there must be a reason for her sudden change of heart. We walked all the way to my room in complete silence, he never once looked in my direction. 

Just as we reached the hall that my room was in we stopped. Assuming he wanted me to walk the rest of the way by myself I pulled my arm away from him. 

"How are you feeling?" I jumped at the sound of his voice. His eyes bore into me and I could feel my face flush with embarrassment. No, no, I tried to instruct myself, to stop blushing.    

"Much better," I smiled hesitantly "sir umm mister... thank you," Yeah great job Ettie, that was a completely normal sentence. He nodded, drifting back into thought. I looked down the hall towards my room. Was I supposed to leave now or did he have more to say? I leaned towards my room. Leave. Then I leaned back toward him. Stay. Leave. Stay. Leave. Stay. Leave? 

"Emilee will want to talk with you when she gets back," 

"Oh yeah," I groaned, no doubt she would yell at me for leaving early. 

"Cordelia will want to see you too," I perked up at her name. "Once she wakes up." 

"I seem to remember promising her a tea party when I got back," I laughed. The Baron stayed stone-faced.  Then without a word he turned around and left. Well, that was awkward. I tried to lie down once I got into my room, but I couldn't fall back asleep. Soon there was a knock on the door and the nanny brought me some tea. 

I sat at the table by the window sipping the lemon tea as I doodled on a napkin. I could hear Emilee's heels clinking against the floor as she approached. This is going to be so much fun. 

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?!" She slammed the door open. She was still wearing the same dress as last night and her hair was a mess. Though in her defense I was still wearing my pajamas. "You can NOT just run off into the night!" 

"I'm sorry I wasn't feeling well-"

"Too bad so sad!" she marched over so she was right in my face. "You are not to leave your room for a month! You can not do as you wish and not expected repercussions."

"What? You have no right!" I stood up so we were now looking eye to eye. "I refuse to be treated like this!" 

"Like what? A spoiled little girl? Because you are! Tell me one thing you ever had to work for, that didn't just fall into your lap!" 

"I don't know!" I snapped, and as far as she knew I had memory loss. Who the hell did she think she was?

"No, you don't." Her voice lowered in threat. "Do you want to know what happened when you left in the middle of the night? You offended the Prince you offended Princess Royal and as such, you offended the king. We need the royal family, do you understand? We would both be starving on the streets if it wasn't for them!"        

"You seem to forget Emilee, I am a duchess. I don't need anyone. And I don't need to listen to you!" 

"Tell that to Belmont." she hissed. We stood there in silence, his death hanging over our heads like a cloud. She was right, the royal family had shown last night that they didn't care what your title was. It didn't matter if I was a duchess or a baroness I would be punished the same. 

"Two months," she said finally and then walked out. I sunk back into my seat. I want to go home, I thought, trying to push back the tears that were brimming in my eyes. I can't cry. Can't let her know I was weak. That was one thing I had learned from foster care. How to deal with people like her. I'm done getting bossed around. I needed a new plan that got her out of the picture. 

I looked down at my tea and was startled when I noticed my napkin. On it were sketches of dragons and hedgehogs, all mine, but in the corner, there was something else, something I didn't remember drawing. I was two mountains with a star in between them. I knew two things in that moment;  

That was Claudette's drawing. 

And that symbol was what she had seen on the handkerchief.   

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