Chapter 30

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I was kind of hoping being the prince's guest meant Emilee couldn't tag along. 

But I guess it was Emilee's carriage... 

Still, it doesn't mean I enjoy being crammed next to Emilee, shoulders touching, our skirts fighting for space. But Emilee thinks it would be improper if I sat next to the prince. Sitting across from him is of course okay, but next to him? I mean what will people think?

"Why in the world are you dressed like that?" Emilee whispered into my ear. Julian looked at us confused, we were barely 2 feet apart he definitely could hear her. 

"It is Celine's dress, I'm borrowing it," I said. 

"Celine? What have you been doing with that crazy woman?" She still whispered, and I tried not to laugh. She was an even worse spy than me. 

"I stayed the night at her house," 

"The night?!" She hissed, getting spit on the side of my face. Ew. "You are going to wish you were dead by the time I-"

"Baroness?" said Julian, startling Emilee upward. "Is there a reason why you are whispering?" 

"Apologies Your Royal Highness," She tilted her head down, her cheeks turning more red than my hair. I bit my lip to stop from laughing, looking up at Julian I seemed to startle him when I made eye contact, but then he relaxed and smiled back. 

When we finally reached the palace I was ready to explode. I could barely move the entire trip with Emilee's skirt practically on top of me. My hands were sore from gripping onto the side of the seat to stop myself from flying into Julian every time we hit a bump. 

So of course just as the door opened Emilee cut in front of me. I muttered a curse under my breath and Julian seemed startled. Once Emilee was fully out of the way Julian swiftly followed suit. I was too startled by how close his body was to mine to even realize he had also cut in front of me. 

Kind of rude for a prince. 

I pushed myself out of my seat and to the tiny door, where an outstretched hand waited for me.  

"Duchess," Julian smiled. 

"Thank you," I hesitantly placed my hand on his. We had both been wearing gloves at the ball but it seemed today in our rush we had both forgotten them. I meant to put my foot down on the metal step, but instead managed to catch it on one of my many underskirts making me miss the step entirely.   

Well, this was fun but now I'm going to fall face-first in front of the prince. I might as well just die right now to save myself the embarrassment.  

Suddenly Julian moved, stepping in front of me. His arm reached out in front of me, grabbing onto my waist. And just like that, I was no longer falling but floating.   

He pulled me in tightly to him, and his eyes seemed to look right through me. Their golden flecks sparkled in the sunlight.  

I imagine I looked a bit silly, my eyes still wide open from shock, my mouth slightly parted in confusion. But he looked like a ray of sun turned human, something right out of a fairy tale. He smiled and my eyes floated down to his lips. So close... 

"CLAUDETTE!" I looked over Julian's head to see Princess Anna quickly approaching, a broad smile on her face. My face flushed with heat as I realized what position I was in. Quickly Julian lowered me to the ground, as I avoided making eye contact. In the corner of my vision, I could see Emilee roll her eyes. 

"Princess Anna," I curtsied, but the woman drew my into a hug. 

"I was very worried I couldn't find you-" Her head turned, finally catching sight of Emilee. "DARLING!" She gave a shrill cry, dropping me instantly and practically running over to Emilee. 

"Your Highness," Emilee bowed solemnly. Princess Anna scooped her hands into hers. 

"It has been too long my dear! I haven't seen you since the ball. One might think you were trying to avoid me." Princess Anna joked. It seemed she had forgotten all her anger from this morning. I tried to stealthily catch a glimpse of Julian only to my eye contact with him. I quickly whipped my head away, but in that moment when I saw his face I thought he might have been blushing. 

I must have imagined that. 

"I wouldn't dare," Emilee kept her head bowed. She always treated Princess Anna so seriously, I have no clue why. 

"Perfect! Then you won't mind staying for dinner tonight?" Dinner?

"Dinner? Your Highness it is only that-"

"Oh don't worry about anything, darling! I will get you both a room and some dresses to choose from! Claudette sweetheart, I had some made in your style a while ago, in case you ever came to visit!" Somehow that was both very creepy and endearing.        

"Thank you Princess Anna. I would love to have dinner with you," Emilee glared at me but I didn't care much, I apreciated more excuses to get out of that awful house. And postpon my eventual punishment by Emilee. 

"Perfect! Let us ladies go have tea in the greenhouse while we wait for your rooms to be ready!" Princess Anna reached out and looped arms with me. "I'm sure my nephew has other things to do!" I turned to look at Julian. Oh, I was kind of hoping he would be coming with. It seems Julian had hoped so to, judging by the crease between his eyebrows. Then he relaxed and smiled at me.    

"I will see you all at dinner," he said as I walked away. 

The plants in the greenhouse were starting to die. Leaves turning yellow, and red then shriviling up into brown husks of what they used to be. It was still a beautiful sight, but it seemed sader now, and much colder.   

Emilee and Princess Anna talked for a while mainly about Cordellia and the Baron. I didn't really catch most of what they said I was just staring out the window, where I could see what I suspect is the training feilds of in the distance. I wonder if that is where Julian went, or perhaps he was back in his room. 

"Ettie, darling," I jolted at the sound of my name. Princess Anna watched me a playful smile on her face. "How is your geology studies going?"

"Great. It's doing great." Why did everyone know about this awful lie?! "Thank you for asking."

"Of course. Let me know if you ever need something from the royal library I'm happy to give you acsess to the back rooms." The back rooms? Now that could be something! "You know I had a dear friend who quite enjoyed rocks as well, he often told me that they held the answers to questions we haven't even thought to ask yet." 

"He sounds very smart." 

"Yes he was," her face soured. "You see he is dead."

"Oh. I'm sorry-"

"He was murdered in fact. By people who did not care how smart he was. People who did not care to ask questions. You must be careful, when you are asking questions, sometimes you will not like the anwsers." 

.... Okay then. That wasn't creepy at all. 

The doors to the greenhouse slammed open and a familiar figure marched in. The King. 

He certainly loved making a dramatic entrance. 

"Your majesty!" Emilee yanked me out of me seat as she curtsied gracefully. Reluctantly I followed her lead. 

"Emilee I need to speak to you... alone," He glared at me. I looked over at Princess Anna to make sure it was okay with her, but she was already leaving. Wait for me! I tried to walk quickly but was slowed down by my desire not to trip infront of even more royalty. 

By the time I was on the other side of the door Princess Anna was long gone. I was going to leave when I felt a chill go down my back. I looked around the hall but no one else was there just me and that door. 

Carefully I pushed open the door, just a crack, just enought to see-


Emilee's hands were on the King's shoulders and they were glowing. Magic!

Emilee was using magic!  

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