Chapter 26

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"My lady?" A sweet voice broke through my sleep. I groaned rubbing my eyes. I was in bed but it wasn't mine, no I was at Thibualt's house. The memories of last night rushed forward. Duchess- I mean Celine had told me more than I had ever learned on my own. Yet still I felt nowhere closer to solving this mystery. 

"My lady?" I turned to see Camilla staring at me from the side of the bed. "Why are you wearing my clothes?" I looked down realizing in all the excitement of last night I had forgotten to change. 

"Because I am an awful spy," I sighed dragging myself out of bed. 

"Well, then it's a good thing the Duchess has lent us some of her old dresses," Camilla pulled out a silver dress and, regrettably, the crinoline I was meant to wear underneath.  

"The house received a letter this morning addressed to you," Camilla informed me as she tied my skirt in the back. I didn't mind the look of the skirt, it reminded me of princess dresses little girls would wear on their birthdays, the problem came when I had to sit down in it. "The Princess Royal found out that we stayed the night here and has invited us to the castle for brunch."

"Bruch?" I asked as I slipped the dress over my head. "The footman is not going to be happy."

"He'll live," Camilla smirked as she buttoned up the back. "You should be worried about what Emilee is going to do with you." 

"She'll live. After all, it was her that said I should do whatever the Princess tells me to."   

I looked at myself in the mirror, or well I looked at Claudette. I still struggled with mirrors. Claudette looked gorgeous in the dress the almost purple hues of her hair paired well with the silver dress. I just couldn't stand how little my body looked like me. I ran my fingers through the long cherry-red hair, perhaps she wouldn't mind if I cut it shorter.   

I felt a tug in my stomach. She definitely did mind. 

Suddenly I heard a shriek. I paused for a second but when the scream came again I ran out of the room, trying to find the source of the sound. 

By the time I made it to the entranceway of the house, I had figured out who was screaming. 

Duchess Sarduo was being dragged out by two imperial guards. I watched from the top of the stairs in horror as she thrashed out at them wildly. A third one came in front of her and hit her hard in the stomach with the blunt end of his staff. She slumped to the floor, held up only by the two men in her arms.   

I barely had time to think before Thibault came running out of a hallway sword drawn. 

"Let go of her!" The third guard stumbled backward as Thibualt charged at him. No time to draw his sword Thibault knocked him in his chest sending him toppling down to the floor.  The two guards dropped the duchess only to draw their swords and block Thibualt's way. 

"Thibault wait!" Thibault halted his attack to look up at me. "I don't know fully what is going on but I imagine harming imperial guards won't end well!" 

"Then they should get out of my way, so I don't have to harm them," His voice was steel as he pointed his blades at the two men.     

"We are here to arrest Duchess by order of the royal family!" Announced one of the guards, though his voice shook slightly as he said it. 

"Royal family?" Thibault lowered his weapon confused. I hurried down the stairs, as fast as I could in this dress, to stand beside Thibault. Camila stood behind me. 

"On what charges?" 

"It is related to the Duke Sarduo case. That is all I can tell you." 

"All you can tell me?! That is my mother who you have attacked! And my father whose name you arrest her in!" Thibault steamed with rage. I put my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him. Nothing good could come of disobeying the royal family.    

"And you think that allows you to treat her like this?" I pointed behind them to Duchess Sarduo who stirred slightly from the floor. "You may have orders to arrest her but she is Duchess."

"So are you," Camilla whispered behind me. 

"And so am I!" I tried channeling Emilee. The way she stuck up her chest, and tilted her head back so she could stare down at you.  

"All respects to my lady," said the man who had been knocked to the floor. "We are just trying to do our jobs. We can't disobey a royal order." 

No, they can't. Duchess Sarduo groaned as she woke up. My hand couldn't hold back Thibault anymore and he rushed forward, pushing the two guards out of the way. He fell to his knees putting his body in front of his mother, sword drawn protectively in front of him. Duchess Sarduo leaned onto him, holding her son tightly in her arms, but her eyes stayed on me. 

Keep my son out of it... I can't lose him, he's all I have left.

That is what she had said to me last night. Now with her eyes burning into me, she was calling up my promise to protect Thibault.  

I thought of my mother. How she would hold my brother and I close on cold nights, warming us with her body heat. She always smelled of the factory where she worked, the smell of machinery had comforted me to sleep at night. 

"What are her charges?" I surprised myself with how cold my voice was. "Unless you wish to be an enemy of the Rousseau and Sarduo Duchies you will tell me her charges." 

The men looked at each other unsure of what to do next. They were pinned in between Thibault's blade and me in my silver dress. I must have seemed like the better option. 

"They found letters," said the third man, who was now standing again. "Written in the Duchess Sarduo's hand. Detailing her plans to kill the Duke." 

I think Thibault spoke but I did not hear him. My eyes went back to Duchess Sarduo. 

"They are tired of watching," She muttered to herself. 

"What are you talking about?" Thibault whipped around to face her confused. 

"Thibault go with the Duchess."

"What? No! I won't let them take you on some made-up charge!"

"Thibault. Do this for me. Go with her. And Thibault," She fixed his hair. "Stay with the Prince."

She stood up, bringing Thibault up hesitantly with her. Her hands wrapped around his forearms she smiled, her eyes never leaving his. Softly she dropped her arms to her sides, and I could see a sadness in her eyes. Thibault took a hesitant step backward.      

The guards took her. Locked her in a pair of handcuffs and put her in the back of their carriage. We stood from the front door watching it all happen, unable to do anything. People stopped in the street to gawk at what was happening.

She took me in. She told me everything she knew and now... I have to get her out of there before the same people that got to her husband get to her. Before they get to me. 

"We have to get to the palace," Me and Thibault said at the same time.  

"Good thing you have an invitation," I turned to see Camilla smiling, holding up the message from Princess Anna. 

"This is exactly why I am so lucky to have you!" I couldn't stop myself as I wrapped her in a hug. It was hard in this skirt but it was the least I could do. She had saved my ass more than once now and in 2 different lives.  

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