Chapter 5: Had A Chance Encounter

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I opened my eyes and looked around. I was at a fire station. It was so dark out I could hardly see a foot in front of me. My hands clutched on tight to a book.

"Brother?" I call out into the darkness. Silence. I can feel my pulse racing. "Brother?" I shout louder. Again silence. "Please don't leave me" I cry into my book, "I'll be a good sister!"

"Are you okay?" A kind gentle voice calling out from the darkness. I look around quickly trying to find him. And then I see him, the darkness seems to make way for his light. He was wearing the same black royal military outfit he had worn on his visit. A kind smile danced across his pale face.

"Your highness" I gasp as the darkness fades and I am in the D'aurvelle manor. No longer a little girl yet no longer myself. I am once again Claudette in her flowy green dress. Prince Julian bows to me, a simple and elegant thing. Taking my hand in his and planting a small kiss there. He looks up at me, his eyes piercing my soul.

"You must save me Elizabeth." The manor fades and we are outside. Julian is no longer bent to kiss my hand now his head is awaiting an axe. The book's ending. I scream in shock trying to get away from the gory scene. Julian is put to death for crimes against the crown. I try to push through the crowds but they squeeze me tight, not letting me move.

"You must save him, Ettie." They repeat over and over "Ettie. Ettie. Ettie."

I jumped up from my pillow drenched in a cold sweat. I gasp for air as if I had just been drowning. I place a hand tentatively on my chest trying to calm myself down. It is the middle of the night as I whisper confront to myself.

"You are okay. It was just a dream" but the words are useless. That was just a dream and only a few months ago this world was a book.

I couldn't get back to sleep. Not like I wanted to anyway after that. I pulled one of the books from the shelf and began reading it by the fire place. It was history book about the royal family of the land. Talking about how it was founded and other things but I was most interested by a section on the late queen.  

Julian's mother's name was Darinella but I had known that from the book. What I hadn't know was the many suspected she practiced witchcraft. Apparently the King had fallen ill and Darinella had offered to cure him but one one condition, she would become his queen. The king agreed and he was fully healed within a week despite being close to death. Apparently the King became obsessed with her giving her anything she wanted and showering her with gifts. But she struggled to produce an heir, rumors spread that she was an evil witch who purposefully married the king knowing she was infertile. The public turned against her but her beloved husband stayed by her side.    

Finally she became pregnant but at great cost to her health. She was seen often collapsing and coughing up blood. She only survived long enough to see her new born son once. Her last words were naming him, Julian. After she passed the King flew into a mad rage and killed everyone in the room. Eventually he was stopped by a young nurse named, Emillee. 

I shudder at Emillee's name. I knew she had not been a noble but I did not expect she had just been a maid. I look up from the book realizing the sun is beginning to rise. Nanny will be coming to wake me soon and it is best if I appear to have slept last night.  

Just as I closed the book though a page fell out. I put the book down on the table and picked up to stray paper. Most of it had been scribbled over, making it almost impossible to read. All I could make out was the name on the top 'Crown Prince Laurent' and one word etched near the top in red ink 'gone'.  The door opens and I jump up in the air, tucking the page behind my back. Tillie is holding fire wood in her hands and stares at me wide eyed.  

"I'm sorry young miss. I thought you were sleeping" she smiles tiredly, obviously wishing she was asleep. She moved over to the fire place lazily tossing wood into the fire. 

"I just woke up." I smiled, slipping the paper back in the book and placing it on my bookshelf. 

"That's good" Tillie yawned as she placed the excess wood by the fireplace. "Gives us more time to get you ready for the tea party" 

"Tea party?" I ask confused. The Baron has yet to let me out of my room,  much less let me go to a party.     

"Your uncle on your dad's side wishes to speak with you." She brushed soot of off her skirt. "Something about your dad's title. I don't remember exactly. "

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