Chapter 7: With A Naive Prince

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Author's Note: Thank you so much to everyone reading my story! I know I haven't updated in a while but that is partially becuase I was locked out of my account. But only partially. Truth is I am not feeling passionate about this story. Which is always the worst feeling when you're a writer. But since so many of you have read it I feel I owe it to you to at least give it another shot. So I will be doing a little restructuring and I will probably go back at some point and rewrite the previous chapters but my goal is to keep you up to date. So please if you have any questions at all put in the comments and I will try to reply as quickly as possible. Thank you! 

- Sunny <3


 I stare at myself in the mirror as Tillie and Nanny dress me. It is a vibrant orange color and hurts my eyes to look at but Tillie seems to believe it is god's gift to fashion. Camilla watched cautiously from the sofa. She seemed to not blink as she studied how her mother and sister tied up the gown.  Today Claudette's, or well my, uncle had come for breakfast. 

One might think an uncle would be coming to consuel his niece over the loss of her parents. Or to mourn with her the loss of her father, his older brother. But that is not what he was here for, Marquis Rousseau was here to take his niece's title. 

"You will do great, miss" smiled Nanny. She was careful not to call me lady, despite Claudette's rank being deserving of it. A rule by Emilee. Tillie looked me over once before nodding her head in agreement.  

"You look amazing!" said Tillie excitedly, proud of her handy-work. I looked to Camilla who gave me a silent thumbs up. Deep breaths Ettie. You got this. I got this. 

"You look awful" sneered Emilee when I arrived to the tea room. Lord D'aurville ignored her and just sipped his tea.  I just ignored her and sat in one of the chairs. We were waiting for the Marquis in the parlor room, Emilee and Lord D'aurville sat on the coach opposite from the one the Marquiss would be sitting in. A display of sweets and and tea time snack had been set up on the table, and my stomach growled as I eyed a piece of carrot cake.   

The food here wasn't horrible by any count but it was terribly bland. With most of the dishes being a varying combination of cow meat and potatoes. Once Camilla snuck me a piece of upside down apple cake and I almost cried for how flavorful it was. At the beginning I had wished for massaman curry or  Pad Kee Mao but now I would settle for a grilled cheese. 

The door opened and a short fat man hobbled his way in with the help of a cane. His black hair was greasy, though he didn't have much of it and with his black eyes he looked like a rat in human form. 

"Lord Rousseau" greeted Lord D'aurville blunty. 

"Lord D'aurville"  he smiled back as he sat down on the sofa. He gestured with his cane towards me. "This is her?"  Lord D'aurville simply nodded. Rousseau stared at me sending a shiver down my spine. "She has your sister's hair"

"Yes she does" his voice showing no emotions. 

"Would you like some tea, Lord Rousseau? I'm sure it was a tiring  journey." smiled Emilee brightly as she tried to break the awkward silence. 

"No need. I have made my decision" Lord Rousseau grunted as he stood up, pushing all of his weight onto his cane. "She will get the title when she turns 18 till then I will watch over the estate and you will watch over her." 

"Why?" the words slipped out of my mouth before I could stop them. Emilee turned to me, staring daggers. 

"You may have your mother's hair but you have your father's eyes." And with that he left the room.    

"You idiot you almost ruined everything!" Emilee screeched like a bird. But I didn't listen to her I jumped up out of my chair and ran after the marquis.  

He hadn't made it far by the time I reached him, still hobbling down the hall way when I ran in front of him. 

"What do you want?" He said pushing me aside with his cane and continuing down the hall.   

"You should be the duke!" I said. In the book Marquis Rousseau was an evil man who hated Claudette. He was the person who was charged with her murder, even though most people thought it was the prince. But now looking upon him he just seemed sad.

"Why should I do that?"  Marquis Rousseau asked, raising his eyebrow. 

"You deserve it. I'm just a kid with no memories." I argued but he ignored me. Instead, he reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope. 

"Here. Go represent the dukedom" He shoved the note into my hands and shuffled off. I look at the letter which had the royal seal on it. Slowly and cautiously I open it up. 

To House Rousseau 

You are cordially invited to the prince's 15th birthday. It will be held on October 23 and will start with a formal lunch for all the dukes and the royal family. The Royal Family looks forward to seeing you there. 

Sincerely the Royal Family 

October 23 that was tomorrow!

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