Chapter 43

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Riley's pov
"Okay fine fine... let's make a bet." I said to Anna and she looked at me.

"Loser has to take one of these... tomorrow." I said holding up a box of pills I got a few days ago.

"Is that?" She asked me and I nodded.

"Viagra" I whispered and she laughed at me.

"No I'm truly not lying." I said.

"Fine. Its whoever gets the most points at today's game is the winner." She said and I smirked.

We both walked into school together before she separated from me when she reached her friends I waved goodbye.

"You definitely had fun." Alexis said making me roll my eyes.

We both walked into the library because I had to print something.

I looked up and I saw Dallas. He smiled at me but I had no reaction. I walked away and but looked back once to see him disappointed.

"Don't look." Alexis said making me nod.

She waited with me while I got the paper.

"Can I help you guys?" Dallas asked me.

I shook my head no without even looking up until I got my paper I walked past him making our shoulders hit.

"Look Riley I'm sorry." He said grabbing my wrist and turning me around.

My reflex hit making me slap him as hard as I can across his face.

"I should be calling you a practical rapist. But fuck you." I said walking away.


"Are we still up for the bet?" Anna asked me and I nodded.

"Bet? What bet?" Jade asked us.

"Oh we're trying to see who gets the most points tonight." I said and she nodded.

"You know what... I have my bets on Riley." Angela said making Anna fake pout.

"I have mine on Anna!" Layla yelled.

The entire team started to place their bets.

Considering me and Anna our both in the fronts so it would be hard on who gets to the ball first.

"I guess I wish you luck." Anna said.

"Mmm yeah yeah wish you luck too Anna." I said laughing.

"I'm so gonna win this." She said.

"I doubt that." I said getting into position.

Once the game started we both basically went against each other in front of the ball.

I kicked out in front of her before running and kicking it to a teammate.  She had passed it back and I kicked it in the goal.

"In. Your. Face." I said and Anna laughed at me.


We were only in the third part of the game and Anna had one while I had two.

"Ooohhh Riley is in the winning." Jade said.

"What are you guys betting on?" Layla said coming up.

"money. Whoever wins gets 100$ from the loser." I said and Anna looked at me.

"Bro I'm broke as fuck" she said.

"Than buy me lunch." I said.

"So it's a date?" She asked me making me being flustered.

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