Chapter 52

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Parker's Pov
"I haven't seen you in weeks." I said.

She had driven out of the parking lot.

"Well Parker I have a life too you know. I can't really always come over." She said and I completely understood.

"I know but it's been 3 weeks haven't you thought about me too?" I said.

"Yes Parker I've thought about you... it's just hard to make the rounds when I have bills to pay and school to do. And plus the whole family stupid business is piling it to the top." She said explaining.

"And... I've been thinking about the moving..." she whispered.

"Wait really? What state?!" I asked her.

I didn't want to leave Alec. We had gotten closer by the days we've had together.

"It's whatever college I get into..." she said.

"Well... my mom says we're moving to La soon..." I remembered what Alec had said.

"Any chance your applying in La?" I asked her crossing my fingers.

"I could... but there's a low chance I could get in." she said.

"Can you apply?" I asked her and she nodded.

"Look I'm sorry I haven't been active with you..." she mumbled.

"No I get it..." I said and she smiled.

"Why La?" She asked me.

"Alec... is moving there soon..." I said and she smiled.

"That's cool." She said.

"Are... any of your friends applying to La?" I asked her.

"Im not telling anyone where we are going... it's safer like that." She mumbled shrugging.

"Not even... Anna?" I asked her and she shook her head no.

"Or Adam? Alexis? Lance??" I asked her and she shrugged.

"I-I don't know how I'm going to work this out..." she said.

I only nodded at her frustration with this plan we were going through.

She had pulled up to the ice cream shop.

"You want some?" She asked me and I nodded.

We both went in the shop and got what we wanted.


Riley's pov
Goddamn it... fuck...

I can't hope for two things at once. Only Anna knows were moving but I've told no one where.

Parker wants to go to LA so I can apply for multiple colleges in La for a higher chance.

I went to the coach as he told me some colleges he said I applied for a soccer scholarship.

"Well... There's OSU and OU... Miami? I don't know about LA. Sorry kiddo." He said and I nodded.

It's so hard to keep track in things when you live alone.

I've already started packing and sold quite a few things off the house.

We weren't able to keep everything so Parker took part of Dad's old workshop and took a few tools to start out with.


"Hey Zack... so... What if I were to say ima quit this job in a few days?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"You get accepted into a far away college?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"Hoping too."

"Ahh I get that. Yeah I can take your place." He said wiping his hands off.

"How's Emma?" I asked him and he looked at me.

"We're good. I asked her out last Friday and she said yes." He said and I smiled.

"Treat her good." I said.

"You'd think you can hand me that?" He asked me as I handed him a tool.

I went back to my station to continue working on my car. It's gonna need new miles on it since I'm moving I wanna get it fresh off new miles.

I repainted the car so it looked fresher and left it in the shop so I could close down tomorrow.

Anna's POV
"Guys I forgot the keys..." I said and all 5 girls looked at me.

"ANNA YOU WHAT?!" Eva yelled.

"They are... inside..." I mumbled and they all started to panic.

The car didn't have gas so we would have to walk in the cold rain.

"Well we don't have keys to our house and they are locked!" Emma yelled at me.

"I know I know!" I yelled.

I looked around to see if I could find a hidden key but we didn't have a mat or rocks. So we never hid a key.

"Anna! It's freezing!" Sab whined making me roll my eyes.

I looked around before I saw Riley's door close.

"Okay... stay with me and don't get mad at me for what Im about to do." I said.

I left them to Riley's porch as I knocked on the door.

A shadowy figure came up and Riley opened the door.

"What the hell?" She asked me and I nervously smiled.

"Can we... crash here? We got locked out of our house and the car ran out of oil." I said and she immediately nodded.

"Yeah sure... don't sit on the couches you'll probably sleep on the couches." She said and I nodded as wel all walked in.

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