Chapter 10: A Bit of Chaos

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Hello again and welcome back. Trigger warnings for this are mostly just a touch of constant anxiety and lying and insinuations of manipulation. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading. 


"Patton seems really disappointed I'm not going to lunch with them today," Virgil hummed thoughtfully as he played with the cord of his headphones.

"Hmm?" Remy questioned, temporarily pausing the aggressive taps of his fingers against his phone as he texted.

"Patton just seems a bit upset about me spending the day with my family. I don't know, I think he might be upset about me turning them down for lunch again today," Virgil frowned in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm sure he really wanted to have lunch and that's why he's acting strange," Remy replied after a moment of hesitation. "Say, speaking of lunch, what exactly are you planning with your parents?"

"Don't know. Maybe the same place I went with the others? We'll probably decide in the car," Virgil shrugged dismissively, not caring much for the topic.

"Uhuh," Remy breathed out a moment before returning his focus to writing on his phone.

Virgil let out a breath as he shifted to face Remy, hoping he'd see his raised brow. Everyone was acting so strange today. Perhaps it was just his imagination. He was quite anxious about his parents' arrival; it wouldn't be unreasonable to believe that he was shifting the guilt of his own abnormal behavior onto others and just magnifying their typical habits. Remy was always messaging his soulmates. Patton just really liked hanging out. There wasn't anything unusual, no one was upset but him. His parents didn't suspect he'd lied to them or know anything about his current crushes.

His phone chimed again and as per usual he made it read out the message he'd been sent by his mother. They'd already arrived. Virgil let out a long sigh to try to relieve the growing cloud of dread. He forced a soft smile and stood up.

"Alright my parents are here. I'll see you later, okay?" Virgil said.

"Have fun," Remy mumbled back dismissively, not sparing much of his focus towards his leaving roommate.

"Ember leash," Virgil called as he put on his own dark glasses and banged up walking stick.

Ember trotted over the leash jangling in her mouth. He bent down and carefully attached the leash to the service vest and harness he'd already preemptively put on her to avoid making his parents wait too long.

"Bye Rem," Virgil tried once more before walking out the door.

He counted his way down the halls, through the door to the lobby and out the front doors towards the parking lot. As he pushed open the doors he was greeted by arms rushing around his sides, pulling him into a hug. He let out a frightened squeak but instantly relaxed as he smelled his mother's familiar shampoo.

"What are you doing walking out here by yourself Honey? Where is your roommate? He's supposed to be guiding you around everywhere so you don't get lost or hurt. Have you even been here long enough to memorize everything?" She fretted running her fingers through Virgil's dark hair to comb it away from his face.

"Mom, I'm fine. I've been on campus over a month, I know how to navigate my dorms without Remy. I'm safe," Virgil chuckled, casting a smile towards his doting mother.

"What the heck happened to your walking cane though?" His father asked as he approached them, scratching at the back of his head.

"Huh? Oh.... That," Virgil inwardly hissed, trying to think quickly. "Yeah, I kinda left it in the wrong place when I was tired and then proceeded to step on and fall over it when I got up for water in the middle of the night."

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