Chapter 18: Backlash

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Hello, hello! Welcome back, kinda a short chapter. Before I get into trigger warnings, please read the end notes of this chapter, I have an important question to ask! Anyways this chapter includes anxiety, themes of lies, and a bit of gaslighting. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading!!


Virgil sat quietly as the car rumbled along the road, his temple vibrating against the glass of the window he leaned against. Ember weighed heavily in his lap. His hand hardly moved as his fingers brushed through her fur in a tired and drained manor.

"We're almost home Bud.. You wanna talk about it yet?" His father asked sadly from where he sat in front of him in the driver's seat.

Virgil frowned and pulled in on himself. He didn't want to speak to either of his parents. They should know what was wrong, it should be obvious from the way he cupped the mark on his cheek. Perhaps Roman had already washed it off before they came. Still, they were the ones who created the lie, did they honestly believe someone wouldn't tell him. Perhaps they didn't, it was reality but he was horrified by how long it took people to tell him. They saw the writing, they told him it was Lisa. It felt so degrading that people, especially his own parents and soulmates, would take advantage of his disability like that.

The car rocked against an uneven incline and Virgil knew they'd pulled into the driveway of their home.

"Honey, you came home to be with us, right? We can't make it better if we don't know what's wrong," his mother insisted as the car came to a stop and was parked.

"You could figure it out if you tried," Virgil mumbled under his breath, wasting no time in throwing open the door and escaping towards the house

Ember kept a step ahead of him as he headed down the short path up the stairs, only to have to begrudgingly wait for his father to come unlock the door.

"What have I told you about rushing like that! You're going to get yourself hurt," his mother scolded. "Hang on, we'll be over in just a moment. We just need to grab your bag."

Virgil sighed, reaching a hand down to rest it on Ember's snout. He just wanted the comfort of his own quiet room where he could lock the door and know no one could bug him.

Virgil sniffed, whipping away the growing wetness brimming in the inner corners of his eyes. He could feel his frustration building the more he was forced to dwell on the situation. He just wanted to get inside and forget. He wanted to blast his favorite music, sleep an entire day away, anything that would make him not have to think. Things made far too much sense when put in perspective now. He couldn't believe he'd never noticed and put it together himself. Perhaps that was his internalized denial. It was easier to think he was just created wrong and everything going on around him was just him projecting his internalized feelings than accepting that the world was in fact against him and keeping the truth from him. No one loved him. If they had they would've done something sooner to let him know what was going on. Maybe they did have their reasons, he'd been too quick to run away because he was hurt and upset. He never gave anyone a chance to explain. He just couldn't accept it, not now, he was confused and hurt. All he wanted was to escape and not think about the reprocussions of what he and they had done.

"And here we are," his father chirped, slipping past him to open the door.

Air puffed through his nose amusedly as he entered the house.

"Sweety, let's sit down and talk now," his mother insisted again, coming up behind him.

He knelt to the ground, focussing on Ember's leash and harness instead of his mother. Virgil could only hope she'd get the message that he didn't care to have a conversation right now. He was not in the right state, if he started talking now he didn't know what would come out.

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