Chapter 2: Growing Lies

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Sorry it is a bit late, I fell asleep. The really normally written story starts next chapter so thank you for sticking through this. As always take care of yourselves and thank you for reading. 


They never did tell Virgil. First because they weren't sure when he'd be ready but then it became they felt guilty for never having told him when he was younger. The lie had started to become a reality over time. His parents put nubs on the empty pen and told him to always use that pen when writing to them so they always knew it was him, occasionally taking it to refill the ink to make things more believable. They wrote down facts about his fake soulmate in a notebook developing her backstory, personality, and hobbies, making notes of everything they told him to make sure they wouldn't forget and mess up, letting Virgil figure out their lies. So no one could tell him otherwise his parents gave him a lot of hoodies and convinced him to adore them, meaning he would wear them every day so no one ever saw the writing.

It was only about a half a year after the original writing when the red inked person gave in and allowed the others to break the much older, and mostly outdated, tradition of only giving personal information after you naturally meet in person, allowing for them to go by their first initials instead of just their colors. Virgil's parents were relieved to not see a J amongst them, meaning Janus was not one of them, although this made them have a bit of a guilty conscience for tearing Virgil away from his only good friend for no reason. However, the introduction of their initials lead to them naming their character. They chose the L from the group, the one who seemed to be the eldest of the bunch and named her Lisa. Virgil seemed so happy to learn her name so they were sure they were doing everything right, until another year later when the person, now known as R, conceded again. This time there were now entire first names. To his parents' horror, they were all males. They could only hope their son was bi, pan, or something of the like. Even if he wasn't, perhaps the idea of having a female soulmate would convince him he was.

Virgil didn't think anything about it until high school when small school-boy crushes gained the added level of sexual attraction. Virgil had told everyone growing up he was straight, he never even questioned it. He never really thought about the fact he only ever had "crushes" on girls after they gave him signs they might have crushes on him. Since he was physically unable to see he didn't really have anything he was visually attracted that would catch his eyes. He thought he just enjoyed the company of males more, that he simply was able to have a deeper emotional connection with them was just because he was great friends with them. He never thought much about the fact that after his anxiety got bad he felt so soothed by the sound of deepening male voices, nor that he found the much firmer feeling of a male's hands, or even chest when he hugged them, much more pleasant than the more plush feeling of a female. When the males of his grade began to start noticing girls, internally he really didn't understand it. When the boys would talk about a girl's body it honestly didn't sound very appealing to him, some of their depictions even making him feel a bit uncomfortable or revolted. When everyone else was starting to experiment in having relationships with others before getting with their soulmates, if they even intended to be with their soulmates, the idea of being with one of his female classmates just didn't feel right. He thought it was perhaps because he only really saw himself as being with Lisa. That is until he overheard some people talking about gay relationships and for the first time he found himself being a bit too intrigued. He didn't think much of it until more of his hormones came in and he stopped being able to completely deny everything. There was a kind boy, a year above him by the name of Patton that he simply couldn't ignore. He was a great conversationalist, even if he was a bit more sociable than him and he was a very physically affectionate person, which wasn't good for Virgil's poor heart. As he continued to be friends with this boy, the more he began to fantasize about being with him. He knew he had his soulmate and that Patton apparently had two but he still wanted a relationship with him. He wondered if he was being ridiculous but he knew now he wasn't straight. His attraction to Patton made him feel so ashamed he couldn't even tell his parents about his existence.

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