Chapter 14: Milkshakes and Mistakes

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Hey, hey everyone! This chapter contains a bit of anxiety, themes of deception and deceit and brief mentions of self destructive behaviors. Other than that all is well. Have a wonderful day and I hope you enjoy the chapter! As always; take care of yourselves and thank you for reading. 

Also I want to give a quick thank you to all of my readers here on Wattpad. This story is currently ranked #1 in HumanAU and has been bobbing between #1 and #2 on LAMP (as of writing this message pre-posting chapter it is currently #2). So I want to thank all of you so much! It's so awesome that people are liking this story and sticking with it despite my personal problems that keep me from being able to give all of you frequent updates. Thank you all so much! I hope you continue to enjoy! 


"I'm telling you it's the worst!" Virgil complained.

"Ah yes, completely. Totally the end of the world," Janus hummed leaning against his left hand as his right stirred at his milkshake.

"Jan, take this seriously. I'm not kidding, I don't know what to do," Virgil pouted, absently stroking Ember's silky ear for comfort.

Janus sighed and Virgil could hear him shifting in his seat across the table.

"Virgil, I don't think there is any reason to be any more panicked about realizing you have a crush on three individuals than you did when you only had a crush on two. It won't ruin your friendship with them any more than it would if you had a crush on just one of them," Janus replied.

"You think me having a crush on them is going to ruin our friendship? Who am I kidding? I knew it'd ruin our friendship," Virgil rambled.

"Yes. Their trust in you will be completely shattered," Janus paused to listen to Virgil's panicked whine before continuing a bit more seriously. "Honestly, do you have so little faith in these people you claim to have crushes on that you don't think they'd be willing to at least understand and accept the fact you have romantic sentiments towards them even if you do not necessarily wish to reciprocate those feelings? Do you think they would scorn or ostracize you just for emotions you couldn't help developing?"

Virgil paused, his breath catching in his throat as he comprehended the point Janus was trying to make.

"No... I don't think they would," Virgil replied slowly.

"Then what are you so afraid of?" Janus asked.

"I guess that it'd just change things or make them feel awkward. They are in a relationship as soulmates. Compared to that... I'm just a random outsider. I have no chance with them," Virgil chuckled wryly.

"Most certainly, a group of polyamorous individuals who clearly more than enjoy your company leaves absolutely no possibility of ever considering adding someone else to the relationship, even just as a temporary experimental thing," Janus frowned before sipping at his milkshake unamusedly.

"Mnn, but here's the thing we don't know that for sure. And we can't exactly ask them now can we?" Virgil pouted.

"Why not?"

"Because then they'd know I was interested!" Virgil reasoned.

"Roman and Remus are twins, have Remus ask. He likes prying for random bits of information," Janus replied exasperatedly.

"You know if you're gonna be so judgy you don't need to hang out with me," Virgil frowned.

"But I'm not wrong," Janus pointed out.

"I guess not... But still it's so unfair! Why does Princey have to be so extra?" Virgil complained.

"What even happened that made you so wooed by him?" Janus asked.

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