Chapter 3

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Xie Yi-jun

2004 years after The Long Night

Sanlín City

<Hidden Fairy Inn>

"What is the last thing you remember?"

Xie Yi-jun didn't respond for a while. He didn't trust his voice not to break, so instead he clutched the cup of tea in his hands, slowly sipping at the bitter liquid as the Master in front of him began speaking once more.

"My name is Hao Xue-feng, I am one of the Masters at Jingshén."

Yi-jun couldn't stop himself from blurting out, "I don't know what that is."

Master Hao only nodded, "I understand."

Yi-jun watched as the man stood up to light the fire at the corner of the room, the flames bursting to life as the old Master looked into the coals.

"Our residence is just a few days from here, to the East. Between The Spirit Orchard and South Jiezhî."

"The Spirit Orchard?" Yi-jun sat his cup down, "It's too dangerous to live there, what of the ghosts?"

Master Hao stared down at the fire for a few more moments, slowly returning to the seat across the table from Yi-jun.

His expression gave nothing away as he said, "An agreement was made between those in Riyèrì and Lêung Shãn, to build a settlement there, for less-fortunate children to come and study cultivation. Over time, the spirits were driven out."

Yi-jun knew nothing of those in power in Riyèrì anymore. He knew nothing of this strange city he was in. And Lêung Shãn? Lêung Shãn was still starving and suffering through the deadly effects of The Long Night when he had been King.

That was centuries ago... a lot must have changed.

Yi-jun sat up, his eyes widening suddenly as he thought of something.

"Master..." he said, "Who watches over Hêi'àn City today?"

The old man seemed to frown ever so slightly, and Xie Yi-jun began to feel a creeping sense of dread rising in his chest, as it seemed like the Master didn't want to answer.

"Please," Yi-jun said again. "I must know what happened after the war."

Even if everyone I've ever loved is gone...

Finally, the man replied.

"Hêi'àn City was destroyed seven hundred centuries ago, on the final day of the war. It is now called The Hêi'àn Hills. The obsidian melted back into the earth, forming great mountains as high as the clouds. At the time, Meng Bai found a way to erupt Hông Zhuí. It killed many people, including Hêi'àn City and the soldiers from Wúmeng. Meng Bai's own forces were killed then as well, and he and his followers returned to the ruins near The Roaran Stronghold. Meng Bai and his descendants have ruled the Huichâng province since then. Xie Xingyue; Meng Bai's descendent, rules today. As vindictive as his family's patriarch, but thankfully nowhere near as ambitious. He's remained mostly silent for the duration of his rule..."

Xie Yi-jun only realized he was crying, when Master Hao handed him a handkerchief.

"I don't mean to overwhelm you," the man said softly. "But perhaps it is better that you know now rather than later."

Yi-jun was having trouble breathing as he wiped his eyes. His throat had closed off, body shaking as he recalled his home. The beautiful age-old cathedrals and staircases that led people to and from the village underneath.

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