Chapter 78

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Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night


<The Library>

"Are you absolutely sure you don't want me there when you speak to them?"

Xie Yi-jun asked the same question he'd already asked twelve times since they'd begun their journey back to Reian's home. The boy just shook his head again and gave no answer.

The two of them currently sat in the large library, as close as possible, at one of the desks. The King's hand was securely fastened on Reian's shoulder, and he didn't even take it off when the doors opened and three men stepped inside...

Wen Reian stared at them, and besides the strange flicker of fear and sadness in his heart when he saw their gravely concerned expressions, the boy had no other sense of familiarity to the Masters, whom Yi-jun had said raised him from birth.

"Yi-jun," one of the old men sighed as they all stepped forward.

Reian remained seated, sensing from the other two Masters intense negative emotions directed at him that made him feel as if he had truly done something unforgivable...

"Master Hao, it is good to see you." Xie Yi-jun said genuinely, then the King tightened his hand on Reian's shoulder, making the boy look up.

Yi-jun's frown was apparent, as was the worry in his eyes. Reian gulped, unsure what to say, if anything...

"Wen Rei has asked that I step out for a moment while he discusses some things with you," Yi-jun said slowly. "However, I'd like for you to know that despite everything, he has succeeded in doing the impossible. My family and Kingdom will forever be in his debt, and the same goes to you all for sheltering me in a time of need. Thank you..."

Reian's heart ached a little watching the King leave, but he knew Yi-jun wouldn't go far.

It was the man called Master Hao who spoke first, as all three of the masters came to sit across from Reian, their faces grim-

"How do you feel?"

Reian swallowed and nodded, once more at a loss for words. How was he supposed to talk to these people when they were strangers to him?

"Um," the boy cleared his throat. "I'm... alright. It's just-"

The Master who had intense black eyes sat forward then, speaking in a low voice that startled Reian;

"You have lost memories."

He said it as such a statement of fact that Reian just sat in silence, unable to answer.

Master Hao sighed, "What do you recall about your life? Perhaps we can help fill in the details..."

The boy wasn't sure where to begin. From the three of them he could still tell that there was an unspoken failure on his part. They were clearly displeased with him. Perhaps they didn't like the fact that he'd apparently run away from home? Or the spell he'd cast to resurrect Xie Yi-jun and Hêi'àn City... that must be it.

Surely they... can't know about what happened in South Jiezhî?! I never told a soul-

"S-songcai tells me they could come back," Reian added quickly. "My memories."

The three Masters exchanged looks with each other, then Master Hao said;

"Is Jin Songcai aware of the spell you enacted?"

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