Chapter 42

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Xie Yi-jun

1302 years after The Long Night


<Xi Qiáng Forest>

Passing through the edge of town, the forest beginning to overtake him, Xie Yi-jun stopped suddenly at a small clearing where a single figure stood. It was clearly Jin Songcai, but Yi-jun was confused when he noticed the sword in the man's hand...

He watched, speechless, as Songcai began moving. With his normal white robes laid folded on a nearby stone, he could easily see the man's muscles, the graceful lines of his arms and shoulders as he practiced.

Xie Yi-jun's mind was conflicted. The soldier and King inside him was impressed, approving of Songcai's skill. He was no beginner. That being said, Yi-jun was also very confused. Songcai was a healer, what reason would the man have to ever pick up a weapon like that?

As the sword moved, an extension of the man's arm, Yi-jun could only stare. Of course, Songcai was effortlessly graceful in this too. Xie Yi-jun was sure that even his skills would be put to the test... the idea of crossing blades with Jin Songcai excited him much more than he thought.

Seeing this new side of the man, the side of him that was strong, practiced and measured, it made the young King smile to himself, realising that Songcai must be like that in every aspect of his life.

Yi-jun blinked, startled as he found he'd been staring at Jin Songcai's arms and shoulders, his muscles tightening and releasing repetitively, like a dance. Graceful, strong, enchanting-

A sense of impishness and glee slid through Yi-jun now, a feeling that never seemed to be far behind when he met the man. Frankly, he was pleased to be allowed to witness such a raw form of Songcai at all.

Clearing his throat, he said; "Your form is excellent. May I ask who taught you?"

Jin Songcai clearly didn't know he was here, but he only lowered his sword and tilted his head slightly. Yi-jun saw the man's profile in the light coming through the trees, as symmetrical and annoyingly handsome as always.

Songcai was breathing quite hard, though he remained composed as he answered...

"A Master from Zueshan lived here and taught some of us, several years ago."

"And you still practice?"

Xie Yi-jun only realised he had moved closer when Songcai was looking directly at him, sword still facing the ground. From here, not only could Yi-jun see Songcai's chest rising and falling as he breathed, but also the sweat that was beading off his pale skin, running down in rivulets across a toned and well-sculpted body.

Find me one single thing about the man that isn't perfect and I will weep with joy!

Yi-jun's eyes darted away, jaw tightening as he tried not to think about how probably beautiful the rest of him was... no one's collarbones should be that flawless, it isn't fair!

Songcai still watched him, his reply coming with a gentle shrug that left Yi-jun weak at the knees.

"It clears my mind."

Always a sucker for punishment, and maybe also just eager to pester him, the King smiled.

"What do you need to clear your mind of?"

If the question had been asked in reverse, Yi-jun's answer would have been a simple and heartfelt; you.

Alas, it wasn't just him that enjoyed Songcai's company. And Yi-jun knew he wasn't the only one who found the man attractive...

The Stone King's Lover (石王的愛)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora