Chapter 63

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A/N: content warning 18+ for graphic sexual content; hand/blow job, swallowing cum, fingering, 1st time, m/m sex

Xie Yi-jun

1303 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

<War Room>

It was past two AM. Xie Yi-jun was still sitting with the commanders, everyone seeming to have differing opinions on what their next move should be to the point that the King was beginning to think he was more of a mediator to other people's arguments than a leader.

"Ridiculous! There's no reason to send half of our troops South, that would leave the city defenseless!"

"Half! You bloody imbecile! I said half, as in fifty percent! Defenseless... my god-"

A chorus of voices that both agreed and disagreed rose up, many even having entirely separate ideas. Xie Yi-jun had his head in his hands and was wondering when he should begin sending people home-

"Pardon me?"

Blinking, Yi-jun realizing the entire room had gone absolutely silent. He also knew why, the moment Jin Songcai stepped inside. The commanders' postures softened and the King even watched a few exchange polite smiles and nods with the young healer. Songcai's effect was once again his saving grace...

Yi-jun's mood also brightened considerably. He sat up in his chair, admiring the way Jin-cai's hair was loose and untied, flowing down comfortably. He never wore it like this except to sleep.

"Jin Songcai," Yi-jun smiled, sighing. "Why have you graced us with your presence?"

The healer only blushed softly, lowering his eyes as if apologizing...

"Forgive me, but I must borrow you."

The King blinked, then realised everyone else was looking at him-


Songcai nodded, going to open the tent and gesturing for Yi-jun to follow.

"There's too much work to be done!" Someone called.

A few others quietly agreed with faint nods, then Songcai narrowed his eyes and the voices died down.

"I'm afraid it's urgent," he said. "A matter of life and death."

Hearing that, Yi-jun frowned. If it was truly that serious Songcai would not be wasting time explaining to these people, he would have just grabbed him and left.

Something's going on...

Intrigued and highly grateful to be pulled away from what was starting to feel like torture, Yi-jun stood, nodding to the men who all but seemed to swallow their tongues after that look from Songcai. Internally the King was glowing, positive that his lover's command of the room was only making him more attractive.

Xie Yi-jun followed him outside, leaning in to whisper; "What's this about? You never interrupt a meeting."

Songcai just took his wrist gently and murmured; "Follow me..."

Yi-jun saw they were headed towards Jin-cai's tent so he didn't resist, but when he stepped inside after him, the King's heart halted in an instant as he took in the small room, and what Songcai had done.

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