Chapter 73

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Wen Reian

2005 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn Hills

<Ruins of Wexiao Square>

The hardest part of it all was the silence. Traveling alone on foot to The Hêi'àn Hills was difficult, but Wen Reian almost couldn't stand how quiet it was. He'd once told Xie Yi-jun that he sometimes "practiced" being alone. Now, Reian wished for nothing more than Xie De's loud laughter, Jin Yu's curious voice... Yi-jun's gentle smile and the way he ran uncaring through the trees-

I'd give anything to not be alone...

But he was. And Wen Rei knew that the journey he'd begun was one he would likely finish alone too. With no guarantees that his plan would even work, the young man couldn't help but feel a little like he was digging his own grave, as he stopped at the foot of the tallest mountain and began to empty his bag.

If the maps are correct, right about here is where one of the central towns used to be. As good a place as any I suppose...

Reian tried not to think about how the black glass underfoot, and covering much of what he could see, was the final resting place of Xie Yi-jun's kingdom.

I don't want to be disrespectful, he thought, placing and lighting a stick of incense in the ground and sending a heartfelt prayer to those thousands that perished here.

If all goes well, today I will bring back your King-

Pushing everything from his mind except his current task, Reian got to work. Soon, laid out in front of him were several things; the page he'd copied from the spellbook in Master Hao's secret library, all the ingredients for the aura enhancer, the Spirit Pouch containing Xie Yi-jun's soul, as well as a bag of ground poppies and nightshade, that he'd tried very hard not to inhale during his journey.

I'm putting a lot of my faith in my own abilities and a few scholars half-baked ideas. This better work...

Wen Reian had tried the whole evening prior to write a letter to Xie De and Jin Yu, and all of those at Jingshén, just in case this didn't work out in his favor. The page had remained blank, several drops of raven-black ink dripping onto the surface as the minutes ticked by in thoughtless misery.

What could I possibly say to those who've raised me? Those who I might be saying goodbye to forever? There are no words...

Reian carefully followed the instructions, adding everything to the potion, before swallowing it all. It was a temporary power-enhancer, one that would multiply your energies four times over, but leave you very weak in a very short amount of time. He had to act fast-

Already feeling the spell taking effect, causing his hands to shake, Reian grasped the bag of herbs, opening it with one last look around him at the hills to remember why he was doing this.

Perhaps I've just gone insane...

He closed his eyes, brought the bag to his nose, and breathed.

Hitting the ground was like hitting a pillow after a long day's work in the gardens at Jingshén, or the copyrooms after he'd been punished. Reian was asleep, eyes still wide open, the bag spilled carelessly from his hand as he fell; petals and leaves scattering with the wind that he could no longer feel.

Now, dreaming... Reian recognised the feeling with a sense of urgency, knowing full well that he had no time to waste.

The enhancer will work best if I'm asleep. Besides, I really don't want to be awake for whatever comes next. If I am, I think I might talk myself out of it-

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