Chapter 65

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Xie Yi-jun

1301 years after The Long Night

Hêi'àn City

<Throne Room>

"What do you mean he's missing?! Where is he?"

In front of Yi-jun the two soldiers cowered, lowering their heads, one of them stammering out a desperate apology...

"I'm sorry sir! He was there one minute and gone the next-"

The other chimed in quickly; "We searched everywhere, as far North as The Spirit Orchard, as far South as Zuótiãn. The Commander wasn't anywhere to be found!"

Feeling his fists curl in frustration, the King barely managed to hiss out the words-

"Well don't just stand there! KEEP LOOKING-"

As the two bowed several times and quickly scurried off, Xie Yi-jun knew with certainty that his eyes were glowing red.

He tried closing them, but all he could think about was Su Lan and the last time they'd spoken. It was before his second in command had gone out three weeks ago on that expedition to Xuêshan.

Yi-jun was still trying to convince those frozen bastards, despite their weakened state, that Meng Bai and his followers were not just a threat to Hêi'àn City but to everyone. The Xuêshanian King had told Yi-jun he was willing to talk, thus prompting Su Lan to volunteer...

In a situation with no good options, Yi-jun was left with a single choice. Sending one of his only trusted allies and friends away while he attempted to put out each new fire as Meng Bai lit them.

If only mother could see me now, I wonder if she'd laugh or scold me first-

With a defeated sigh, Xie Yi-jun put his head in his hands.

What am I supposed to do?! If I wasn't held here by Meng Bai's ridiculous threats, I would obviously be out there looking for Su Lan myself. Now what? Am I just going to sit here and hope nothing bad happened to him?!

Perhaps no news was good news. Perhaps as long as his friend hadn't actually turned up dead in a ditch somewhere, Yi-jun was supposed to look on the bright side.

Recalling Su Lan's last words to him he smiled, though it felt more like a grimace...

"Yi-jun don't be a fucking idiot!"

The King had glared at his friend while Su Lan grinned.

"It's not like the war is going to be won in a matter of days or weeks now. You need allies, diplomacy. So don't worry! Sit on your royal ass for a bit and let me handle it."

Trying for once to do what his friend had suggested, still hoping he would return any day, Xie Yi-jun waited. Of course, he was busy leading his people, attempting to fortify the boundaries of Hêi'àn City, but he was waiting nonetheless.

Always in the back of his mind, as scout after scout came back with no sign of the man, was this sinking feeling like he had misplaced something vital.

Su Lan had been his longest friend and closest advisor, aiding Yi-jun during his particularly frustrating upbringing, as well as his early struggles after Meng Bai had declared war upon the young King. Yi-jun didn't know if he'd be able to continue on without him...

More than anything though, he just wished he was still alive-

Maybe he did decide to leave, after all he's done for me. On one hand, I could hardly blame him. On the other, if it's true, he has let me down in more ways than I can count.

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