Chapter 25

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The destruction of the Life Tree sliced a cord in Torun's heart. Pain spilled into his chest cavity.

But more importantly, the city warriors were distracted. They, like Lucy, stared at the fallen Life Tree with horror and grief.

He had already sworn to act after they unmanned him. Despite his disfigurement and pain, he would seize the moment to save Lucy and escape.

Instead, Lucy had saved him with her power. His manhood remained intact and unharmed. And now he was released.

He kicked free of his boneless captors, shifted to human feet, and caught the dagger. He sliced the bolas around his midsection, cutting his last bonds, and flew to Lucy. "Put your arms around me."

She blinked. His cracked house seed dropped from her fingers. "Torun. I killed it."

Lassie snatched the seed and bolted past the shocked mermen. The house guardian disappeared, swimming back to the castle to return the seed to its home.

"I killed it."

"Lucy!" He shook her. "We must leave."

His countrymen moaned and swam to the fallen tree.

"But it's true." Her voice in her chest thrummed with quiet grief. "I am the evil destroyer they warned against."

"No, Lucy." But she would not let go of this sadness soon. Neither would he. He secured her against his chest. "Come."

Torun flew from the judgment circle. The others would follow. He needed to put as much distance between them as possible.

She rested her head on his chest and cried.

He thanked her for her tears. She expressed his sadness, grieving for both of them, bidding farewell to his old life as an honored warlord of Sireno and farewell to the Life Tree that he had tried to save.

"We failed," she sobbed. "Now you're all going to die."

Like the dead king, he had striven to give hope. Lucy was that hope. She was not a destroyer.

Or, she was not only that.

They swam hard and far. His muscles ached from not enough rest, and his blood beat against his bones. He must not rest until he carried his queen to safety.

She sobbed herself to sleep nestled against him. The depths changed as he traversed the sea, rising and also crossing great gulfs. The ocean song wrapped around them, so ordinary and soothing. Despite their tragedy and the loss of his city, the world continued to turn.

When she awoke, calm replaced her grief. Her fingers traced the gold swirls on his pectorals. "You really don't blame me?"

"I do not."

She thrashed as though he had blamed her. In fact, she blamed herself. "I couldn't let them hurt you! I didn't mean to break anything. Or shout so loudly. Only to stop them."

"You acted as a queen."

"I'm sorry."

"No." He risked slowing them by lifting his hand to stroke her sinuous back. "Never apologize for protecting our family."

She buried her face in his shoulder. "I don't even know how I did it."

"Females were said to have a great capacity for power. In the ancient tales, four queens once defended their city from attack. Their warriors were tricked into abandoning the city, and the attackers doubled back. The queens gathered their young fry around the Life Tree. They resonated with such force, no invader could approach. As a young male, I thought the story was a parable. Now I have seen your power. It is historical truth."

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