Chapter 8 (Year 3)

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"This lesson began ten minutes ago, Potter, so I think we'll make it ten points from Gryffindor. Sit down." Snape snapped. He was teaching Defense against the dark arts instead of Lupin. Harry glared at him before sitting down next to Ron.

"As I was saying before Potter interrupted, Professor Lupin has not left any record of the topics you have covered so far —"

"Please, sir, we've done Boggarts, Red Caps, Kappas, and Grindylows, and we're just about to start —" Hermione said, quickly.

"Be quiet. I did not ask for information. I was merely commenting on Professor Lupin's lack of organization." Snape snapped,

"He's the best Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher we've ever had," Dean said, boldly.

"You are easily satisfied. Lupin is hardly overtaxing you — I would expect first years to be able to deal with Red Caps and Grindylows. Today we shall discuss —" Snape said, as he flicked through the very back of the textbook.


"But, sir, we're not supposed to do werewolves yet, we're due to start Hinkypunks —" Hermione said, raising her hand.

"Miss Granger, I was under the impression that I am teaching this lesson, not you. And I am telling you all to turn to page 394. All of you! Now!" The class half-heartedly opened the textbooks.

"Which of you can tell me how we distinguish between the werewolf and the true wolf?" Hermione raised her hand, but Snape ignored her.

"Anyone?" Snape asked, ignoring Hermione.

"We told you, we haven't got as far as werewolves yet, we're still on— "Parvati said.

"Silence! Well, well, well, I never thought I'd meet a third-year class who wouldn't even recognize a werewolf when they saw one. I shall make a point of informing Professor Dumbledore how very behind you all are..."

"Please, sir," Hermione said, her hand was still raised.

"The werewolf differs from the true wolf in several small ways. The snout of the werewolf —"

"That is the second time you have spoken out of turn, Miss Granger. Five more points from Gryffindor for being an insufferable know-it-all." Snape snarled, Hermione's eyes filled with tears, as she put her hand down, and her face went red. Charlotte put a hand over Hermione, trying to be comforting, as the class glared at Snape.

"You asked us a question, and she knows the answer! Why ask if you don't want to be told?" Ron yelled loudly. Snape advanced on Ron slowly.

"Detention, Weasley. And if I ever hear you criticize the way I teach a class again, you will be very sorry indeed."


The Gryffindor and Hufflepuff game were horrible. The wind, rain, and thunder were making it impossible to see. Hermione, Charlotte, and Ron watched from the stands.

"How can they see anything?" Ron yelled.

"I don't know! But the water repelling spell should help, Harry!" Hermione called over. Hermione had made Harry's goggles water repellent so he could see the snitch better. Then they watched as Harry's body fell from the sky. Charlotte and Hermione screamed in horror as they watched him fall.

Dumbledore stood up and flicked his wand, slowing Harry's fall, until he brought a stretcher, and placed Harry on it softly.


"Did you see that! That was hilarious!" Draco laughed, after watching the quidditch match, as Charlotte passed.

"Excuse me! You think that was funny?" Charlotte snapped, stopping in front of him. And Crabbe, and Goyle. Draco took a step closer to her, looking her up and down, as he bit his lip.

"Yes, I do, Potter. Your brother falling from the sky was the highlight of my week." Draco laughed.

"What if I push you off your broom! See how you like it then." Charlotte asked, jabbing him in the chest with her finger.

"Well, I wouldn't fall off my broom! I don't pass out because of some dementors." Draco said, swatting her hand away.

"Really, cause I heard you were crying like a baby when they were on the train." Charlotte laughed bitterly.

"How would you even know that! You disappeared for two weeks!" Charlotte crossed her arms over her chest.

"That is none of your business!"

"I will find out why you were gone for two weeks, Potter. Mark my words." Draco said, leaning down to her. His face was so close as he said this that his breath was fanning Charlotte's face. Charlotte pushed him away, and he laughed as he walked away with his friends.


"How did his glasses not break?" George asked, as we watched Harry sleeping in the hospital wing.

"He fell fifty feet, and that's what you're worried about?" Charlotte asked.

"That was the scariest thing I've ever seen in my life." Charlotte said, feeling tears about to resurface. Harry's eyes opened slowly, looking around at all of us.

"Harry! How're you feeling?" Fred asked,

"What happened?" Harry asked, sitting up quickly, making them all gasp.

"You fell off. Must've been — what — fifty feet?" Fred said as he thought about it.

"We thought you'd died," Alicia said, shaking. Hermione made a small squeaking noise before putting her head on Charlotte's shoulder. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"But the match! What happened? Are we doing a replay?" Harry asked, looking at all of them, but they avoided eye contact.

"We didn't — lose?"

""Diggory got the Snitch. Just after you fell. He didn't realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square... even Wood admits it." George said.

"Where is Wood?" Harry asked,

"Still in the showers. We think he's trying to drown himself." Fred answered.

"C'mon, Harry, you've never missed the Snitch before." Fred said, grabbing him by the shoulders and shaking him roughly.

"There had to be one time you didn't get it," said George. They started adding up the points for each match until Madam Pomfrey came to shoo us all out.

"I'll get going. I should write Lily and James and tell them what happened." Charlotte said, getting off the bed. Ron and Hermione shared a look, wondering why she didn't call them mum and dad.

"Charlotte, could you get my bag from the locker rooms?" Harry asked.

"Yeah, I can get it." Charlotte said, as she waved them goodbye.


The rain had stopped by now, leaving everything muddy and disgusting, as she walked to the quidditch locker rooms, almost falling several times. She grabbed Harry's bag from the locker room, still hearing the showers running.

"Oh, Oliver." She said, biting her lip not to giggle as she walked out of the locker room. Charlotte walked back across the field when she saw a rat running across the field. Lottie stared at it, not thinking too much on it, until suddenly Lottie noticed that rat had one finger missing. She dropped Harry's bag in the mud, gasping.

"Peter Pettigrew,"

Charlotte thought as she watched it run between two bushes. She wanted to know more; she needed to know more though.

Screw it!

She thought as she picked up Harry's bag, took out her wand, and followed the rat into the forest. 

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