Chapter 33 (Year 4)

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The weeks went by quickly, and soon the day Charlotte was regretting was here. She lay in bed on the day of the third task, not wanting to move.

"Charlotte, what are you doing?" Parvati asked as they got ready for breakfast.

"I don't want to get up today." She whispered,

"Why?" Lavender asked,

"The third task is today." She explained,

"So, you aren't the one competing. It's going to be fun. If Harry wins, the twins are going to throw another party!" Lavender squealed.

"Yeah, that's unlikely," Charlotte whispered,

"Charlotte, you have to get up and go support your brother. He's probably more of a nervous mess than you are." Parvati said. Charlotte nodded.

"Yes, you're right. I need to see Harry." She said as she stood up and walked to the bathroom.


Maybe I can warn him, maybe I can tell him.

Charlotte thought as she stared at Cedric, who was sitting laughing with his friends, at breakfast.

I could just go up to him right now, beg him not to go through with it, but he would think I'm crazy, wouldn't he?

Charlotte signed as she bit into her muffin.

"Charlotte, why are you staring at Diggory?" Lavender asked, but before Charlotte could answer, Harry interrupted them.

"Charlotte, we have to go. Professor McGonagall said that I have to get you and we can go see Mum and Dad." Harry explained. Charlotte looked back over at Cedric, seeing him walking away with Fleur.

"Yes, okay, let's go." She said, following Harry out and waving bye to Lavender and Parvati.

"Why are you so sad?" Harry asked, noticing Charlotte's face.

"No, sorry. I'm fine."

"You sure cause you look sad."

"Yes, I'm fine." She said, forcing a smile.

Harry shrugged as they walked in, seeing their parents, Remus and Sirius.

"Surprise!" James shouted as they walked up to Harry and Charlotte. Charlotte was squished by her dad in a big bear hug, before hugging her Mum, Sirius, and Remus.

"Is Peter here?" Charlotte whispered to her dad. He nodded, showing her his pocket, which had Peter in his animagus form. He ran up James's arm and rested on his shoulder.

"Now I want to see everything, Harry! Tell me, is the fat lady still here? She took a liking to me." Sirius said, rubbing his hands together.

They walked out of the room, stopping by the Diggory's who were glaring at Harry.

"There you are, are you? Bet you're not feeling quite as full of yourself now. Cedrics caught you up on points, are you?" Amos Diggory commented.

"What's that supposed to mean, Diggory." James spat, glaring at Amos.

"Ignore him. He's been angry ever since Rita Skeeters' article about the Triwizard Tournament - you know when she made out you were the only Hogwarts champion." Cedric whispered to Harry, frowning at his dad.

"Didn't bother to correct her, though, did he?'ll show him, Ced. Beaten him once before, haven't you?"

"Only because Harry passed out!" Sirius yelled.

"Rita Skeeter goes out of her way to cause trouble, Amos! I would have thought you'd know that, working at the Ministry!" Lily said as they walked out.

"Ignore him, Harry, you've done so well so far," Remus said as they walked out to start their day.


They enjoyed the day before having lunch and later dinner. Charlotte was getting more nervous by the second, as she kept glancing over at the Diggory's having lunch.

"Harry, you should eat something," Lily said, as she put more food on his plate.

"I will after," Harry said, watching the clock.

"Merlin, I have missed this place," Sirius said, looking around nostalgically.

"Yes, but it's gotten so much worse since Snape became Professor," James said, looking up at the teacher's table, where Snape was already glaring at them. James grinned and waved at Snape.

"Yup, still don't like us."

"Or us," Charlotte said.

"Especially me," Harry said.

"I wonder why," Lily said, looking at James and Sirius.

"We're innocent!" They said together, and the group laughed. Charlotte looked over at Draco, who was talking to Zabini. He looked over at her, and she gestured her head to the door. He nodded and waited for her to leave first.

"I'll be right back," Charlotte said, not knowing James had noticed this little exchange.

"Hurry back Charlotte, the task is about to start," Lily said. Charlotte nodded.

"Yes mum, I'll be back in a second." She said as she stood up and walked out. Draco walked out a second later, following her out.

Charlotte waited for Draco at the end of the hallway,

"Charlotte, are you okay? I thought you would want to stay with your family for dinner." Draco asked, seeing Charlotte's nervous face.

"Draco, I don't want to go to the third task."

"Why? Are you scared for Potter? He'll do just fine. He's been fine since he's gotten in the tournament, which was really annoying cause I betted against him. I've lost a lot of money." He joked. Charlotte shook her head, still not smiling.

"It's not that."

"Then what is it? Do you not want to go? You don't have to go. Honestly, I'm getting sick of all the trials."

"It's just that-I don't know- "Draco grabbed her hand, noticing they were shaking.

"Everything's going to be fine. Potter and I'm sad to say this is going to be just fine. Really, I have my money against him, and he needs to pull through for me." Charlotte managed a small smiled and nodded, even though she knew better that tonight wasn't going to be a good night. That Voldemort was going to be returning.

How? She didn't know. Peter was innocent, he was right here with them, so how would Voldemort return? Who would cut their hand off for Voldemort, take care of him when he was that unhuman thing? She won't know until Harry gets back.

"Yes, you're right. It's going to be fine." She lied, and Draco smiled.

"Exactly." He said, as he wrapped his arms around Charlotte. She put her head against his chest and signed. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her head up. Just as he was leaning in to kiss her, they heard someone call Charlotte's name.

"Charlotte!" James called out as he walked out of the great hall.

"Hide! He's going to kill you!" Charlotte said as she jumped out of Draco's arm.

"What?" Draco said as she heard her dad's footsteps coming down the hallway.

"Hide in the corner, and I will go distract him!" She said quickly, already walking down the hall to James. Draco hid behind a corner, poking his head from the side to see when it would be safe.

"Dad, what are you doing out here?" Charlotte asked.

"I was wondering what was taking you so long," He said,

"What do you mean? I was just in the bathroom." Charlotte said, letting out what she hoped was not a nervous laugh. 

"Oh, I thought you were with... never mind, let's go. Harry's about to start the last task." He said, stopping himself before saying the Malfoy boy.

Draco saw them going back inside and waited two minutes before going back to his seat at the Slytherin table, making sure not to look at James, who glared at him the rest of the dinner. 

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