Chapter 49 (Year 5)

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Charlotte looked up from her last exam, History of magic, she knew she would ace it because she loved history even if Professor Binn's, whose voice was so boring it was hard to open her eyes most days, couldn't stop her love of history. But acing the test wasn't the part she was worried about.

Harry was going to have a vision today, soon in fact, and she was waiting for him to have an attack any minute now.

"Eyes on your paper, Ms. Potter." The examiner said. Charlotte pulled her eyes away from the back of Harry's head and answered her last question.

Suddenly Harry fell over, looking as if he was passed out. The examiner rushed over to him and helped Harry up. He seemed to be shaking. Everyone stared as they walked out.

"Everyone please return to your exams." Hermione and Ron both looked over at Charlotte. She shook her head and turned back to her exam.


The exam finished, and Hermione and Ron waited for Charlotte to grab her bag before going to find Harry.

"He's right there!" Charlotte said, pointing to the top of the marble staircase.

"Harry! What happened? Are you all right? Are you ill?" Hermione asked once they reached him.

"Where have you been?" Ron yelled.

"Come with me! Come on, I've got to tell you something." Harry said, he lead them towards an empty classroom, and locked the door behind him.

"Harry- "Charlotte said.

"Voldemort's got, Sirius," Harry said, interrupting her.


"How d'you -?"

"Saw it. Just now. When I fell asleep in the exam."

"But - but where? How?" Hermione asked.

"Harry, listen to me, that's not true," Charlotte said,

"No, you're wrong! I saw him. I dunno how, but I know exactly where. There's a room in the Department of Mysteries full of shelves covered in these little glass balls and they're at the end of row ninety-seven... he's trying to use Sirius to get whatever it is he wants from in there... he's torturing him... says he'll end by killing him"

"Harry! Listen to me! It's not true! Voldemort is trying to get in your head." Charlotte said, Harry, shook his head.

"You didn't see what I saw, Charlotte. It's real." Harry said. Charlotte shook her head.

"How're we going to get there?" Harry asked.

"G-get there?" Ron asked.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Charlotte spent the next couple of minutes fighting over whether Harry's vision was real or not.

"You don't get it! I'm not having nightmares; I'm not just dreaming! What d'you think all the Occlumency was for, why d'you think Dumbledore wanted me prevented from seeing these things? Because they're REAL, both of you don't get! - Sirius is trapped. I've seen him. Voldemort's got him, and no one else knows, and that means we're the only ones who can save him, and if you don't want to do it, fine, but I'm going, understand? And if I remember rightly, you didn't have a problem with my saving-people thing when it was you I was saving from the Dementors, or - when it was your sister I was saving from the Basilisk -"

"I never said I had a problem!" Ron shouted. Harry ran a hand through his hair

"But Harry, you've just said it Dumbledore wanted you to learn to shut these things out of your mind. If you'd done Occlumency properly you'd never have seen this -"

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