Chapter 24 (Year 4)

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"Did you know he entered?" Lavender asked as they got ready for bed later that night.

"No, I didn't," Charlotte said, avoiding eye contact as she changed for bed. She huffed sitting on her bed as she crawled into bed, and put the covers over her head.

"Charlotte," Hermione said, pulling the covers off Charlotte, who groaned and hid in her pillow.

"What?" Charlotte said.

"You knew," Hermione said,

"Knew what?"

"You said Harry's name before Dumbledore, you knew he would get called." Charlotte felt her heart fall into her gut.

"What are you talking about? I didn't say anything." Charlotte laughed, shaking her head.

"No, I heard you, I heard you say Harry's name before Dumbledore's."

"How would I know? I didn't even say anything."

"No, I'm sure! I'm sure I heard you."

"Really? You're sure?" Charlotte asked as she sat up on her bed. Hermione chewed on her bottom lip, trying to remember.

"Yes, yes, I'm sure." She whispered,

"Lavender, Parvati, did you hear me say anything before Harry's name was called?"


"Nope." They answered from their beds.

"But I swear I heard you."

"You're hearing things, Hermione. You must be exhausted. Go to sleep. Get some rest." Charlotte said, in a very sweet tone. Hermione nodded.

"Yes, yes. I should sleep." She whispered, going to her bed.

Once Hermione climbed into her bed, Charlotte let out a relieved breath. She had to be a little more careful, or someone else will hear her.


"Where's your brother?" Lavender asked at breakfast as she shoved food into her mouth.

"Probably hiding," Charlotte answered as she ate her breakfast.

"I just know Mum is going to kill him, and Dad, they warned him not to do anything this year," Charlotte said, shaking her head.

"Did you know he was going to enter?" Parvati answered,

"He didn't enter someone entered him."

"Who would enter him?" Parvati asked,

"Who knows? I need to go study. I'll see you later," Charlotte said, standing up, grabbing her bag, and waving goodbye to Parvati and Lavender. Draco stood up when he noticed Charlotte leaving and ran to catch up to her.

"Charlotte, wait up!" Draco called as she walked down the hall. She paused and turned around just as he got to her.

"What is it Draco?" She asked,

"I was wondering, did you know Potter put his name in the goblet?" Draco asked. Charlotte shook her head.

"He didn't put his name in. Someone else did."

"Oh please, it's Potter. He needs to be the center of attention for everything," Draco said.

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but he didn't put his name in." Charlotte laughed as she started walking to the library, thinking the conversation was over, but Draco was still walking next to her.

"Anyway, where are you going?"

"To the library."

"Oh okay, I'll come too!" Draco said, happily walking next to her.

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