Chapter 15 (Year 3)

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A couple of weeks had passed by, and school was coming to an end. Charlotte was in the library with Draco, who had decided she was going to help him with the History of magic.

"This is dumb." He whispered.

"I just think you are dumb, that's why." Charlotte snapped back. Draco had been complaining for the past hour about the work.

"Shut up, I'm very smart, at least I didn't almost explode my cauldron yesterday."

"That was one time, and it was an accident."

"You should be thanking me. I stopped you," Draco said confidently, as he leaned against the library chair, stretched his arms over his head, and groaned loudly.

"Sh! We don't want to be kicked out." Charlotte said. Draco shrugged, pushing his hair out of his face, before looking back down at his books. Charlotte shrugged off her robe and put her head down against the cool table.

"You weren't here when I was viciously attacked," Draco remembered, as he drummed his fingers against the table.

"Viciously attacked?" Charlotte almost laughed as she sat up.

"Yes, that chicken-bird thing, almost ripped my arm, look." Draco took off his robes, and scooted his chair closer to Charlotte that they were almost touching, as he unbuttoned his sleeve shirt, and pulled it up, showing Lottie his very long scar.

"Madam Pomfrey says I could have lost an arm." He said, dramatically. Charlotte leaned forward and ran a finger over the scar.

"But I thought it just scratched you?" Charlotte said,

"Nope, cut too. Merlin, I can't wait until that bird is dead." Draco grinned as he watched Charlotte look at his scar.

Charlotte looked up at Draco. She had not noticed how close the two had gotten. Draco had noticed, but he didn't seem to want to move if he just leaned down, less than an inch, he would kiss her, but instead, he watched as her entire face turned bright red, and her hair slid off her shoulder. Charlotte glanced at Draco's lips for a split second before Charlotte moved away and scooted her chair away.

Draco fixed his sleeve, before he looked over his History of Magic textbook, and signed.

"I can't understand any of this."

"Maybe you should start all the way back to the summer homework, hm?" She asked.

"I didn't even do that." Draco laughed.

"What? Malfoy, it's practically the end of the year." Charlotte said, shaking her head at him.

"It was dumb. They were just saying what I already know, muggle's wanted to burn us because we have magic. It's just another reason to hate them." Draco said, as Charlotte rolled her eyes.

"Did you even know that they only ever caught real witches and wizards a couple of times, and when they did, the witch or wizard would just do a spell to make the fire feel like a tickling sensation. It didn't actually hurt them." Charlotte explained.

"But they still tried too! Isn't that just as bad?"

"Isn't that the same thing as what Voldemort- "Draco flinched at the name.

"-did with his followers? Try to kill all muggleborns because they were different. That's just as horrible." Charlotte explained.

"But how do you know they didn't you know steal the magic?"

"How could someone steal magic? It's not like they suck the magic out of your veins like a vampire." Charlotte giggled. Before Draco could answer, a rat had jumped on the table and crawled to Charlotte, who recognized him immediately as Peter.

"OH, MY MERLIN! A RAT!" Draco screamed, jumping up, his papers flying everywhere. Charlotte scooped up Peter and put him into her bag as Madam Pirce walked over.

"Out of my library! Now!" She shouted at them. Draco ran out of the library, making Charlotte grab his things for him.

"What an idiot." She huffed as she walked out and saw Draco standing waiting for her in the hallway.

"You left your things, idiot." She said, handing them to him.

"Did you see? I saw a rat! I swear!"

"Yeah, it probably left from all your screaming." Charlotte laughed; Draco rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to go to my dorm room. I think I've had enough heartache for today," Draco said as he turned and walked away.

"What heartache! We didn't do anything all day!" Charlotte shouted, watching him walk away with a smirk on her face. Peter poked his head out of the bag.

"One second." She whispered to him, before walking towards a bathroom. She locked the door behind herself and checked all the stalls before letting Peter out.

"What's wrong, Peter? What happened?"

"Sirius! Sirius is here! I saw him, he was in his dog form, and he was sniffing around, trying to find me." Peter explained.

"We can't let them find you until we've explained everything," Charlotte said.

"Exactly, where am I supposed to hide? He knows where I was hiding. He went inside the shack." Peter pulled at his long hair; he had been looking even worse lately. His hair was messier, his clothes were dirtier than usual. He had dark circles, and his face was a little yellow.

"Peter, what day is it?" Charlotte asked,

"It's June fifth."

"That means tomorrow is Buckbeak's appealing." Charlotte thought.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Peter asked confused, as he went to the mirror, and cringed at his hair. He hated long hair on him.

"Harry is going to Hagrid's hut tomorrow. That way we can distract him, after and lure him into the shack, where Sirius will be waiting. I will owl James, and make up a fake story, about Harry finding out where you are hiding and are going to go try to kill you. That way, he will come as fast as he can tomorrow morning, and we can explain everything to him tomorrow." Peter's heart started to race; he was nervous about everyone finding out.

Would they accept him? Would they want him to be their friend again? Would too much time had passed, and nothing will be the same? Would they never believe him, and just give him to the dementors and claim that he lied to Charlotte this whole time?

He shook those thoughts out of his head before agreeing with Charlotte's plan.

"What about Remus?"

"He's got the map. He'll know we're all in the shack, and come running."

"Alright, let's do this." Peter signed it was his only option, and he knew it.

"Where are you going to stay tonight, if he's looking?" Charlotte asked. Peter shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I'll figure something out."

"Are you sure? I could figure something out for you?"

"No, it will be fine. I'll find a warm spot somewhere." Peter promised. Charlotte nodded. They both agreed to meet tomorrow, back in this bathroom before Charlotte went back to her dorm room.

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