Chapter 12 (Year 3)

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Charlotte woke up that Saturday morning, wanting to hide inside her bed. She put the blanket over her heads and groaned inside her pillow, very loudly, making Lavender look over from her bed, where she was waiting for Parvati, as she flipped through a magazine.

"What are you doing, Charlotte?" Lavender Brown asked. Charlotte shrugged.

"Trying to not exist." Lavender shut her magazine, suddenly more interested.

"Is it working?" Parvati asked, as she brushed her long black hair. Charlotte shook her head.

"No, not very well." Charlotte groaned, they giggled. Charlotte had never really spoken to them before, other than, "are you going to shower?" or "Have you seen my shampoo?" Sort of questions, but it was nice, and it was fun.

"Why are you hiding?" Lavender asked, as she sat down on Charlotte's bed, and pulled the cover off her.

"No reason, just tired."

"Do you want to come to breakfast with us? You'll miss it." Parvati said, and Charlotte signed.

"I'm quite hungry, actually." Charlotte said,

"Well, then come on! Stand up, get up! It's Saturday! What reason do you have to be annoyed!" Lavender said, she grabbed Charlotte's hand. Charlotte was trying to be limp, as she giggled, but Lavender pulled hard, and Charlotte fell to the ground, groaning more.

"Up!" Lavender shouted. Charlotte stood up and threw her hands up in surrender.

"Okay, okay! I'll go and wash up."

"Good, we'll wait for you." Lavender said, as Parvati sat down with her on Charlotte's bed and waited for her.

"Alright, I'm ready." Charlotte said, once she was finished changing, and put her hair in a very quick braid.

"Perfect let's go." Parvati said, as they stood up, and Charlotte grabbed her bag.

"Charlotte, I just love your hair." Lavender said, as they walked down to the great hall. Charlotte picked up her braid and smiled.

"Thank you. I was made fun of a lot when I was a kid for it." Charlotte laughed.

"That's horrible. It's such a nice color. I wish I could change my hair color." Lavender said, shaking her head.

"But you could."

"How? We don't learn those spells for another couple of years." Parvati asked.

"Muggle hair dye!"

"What is that?" Lavender asked. Charlotte explained that muggles use hair dye to change the color of their hair.

"And with your blond hair Lavender, I think it would take easily." Charlotte said, as they reached the great hall and sat down at the breakfast table. Charlotte picked up a strand of her Lavender's blond hair and twirled it around her finger.

"We should do it!" Lavender declared, as they put food on their plates.

"Are you crazy? What if your parents find out?" Parvati asked,

"Oh, who cares? I don't think my Mum will mind." Lavender said, as she flipped her hair over her shoulder.

"My mum would kill me!" Parvati said.

"And where would you even buy hair dye?" Parvati asked as she scooped up some eggs.

"Hm, that's true." Lavender said, as she thought about it.

"I could ask my sister." Lavender piped up.

"You have a sister?" Charlotte asked, surprised.

"Yeah, she's twenty-six, graduate a long time ago." She explained, shrugging.

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