Chapter 8: Welcome home Izu!

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A/N:Ok I have a bit planned for this chapter, I'm hoping to stretch it as much as possible but I would love feedback! Happy reading :]

Trigger warning: blood, scars, eating disorders(?) (the only thing is Izuku has trouble eating a lot cause his not used to it idk if it counts)

Earserhead POV:

   Hizashi parked his car outside the orphanage and we all got out. Nearing the building I could tell something had changed in Izuku. He started to walk a little slower and slouched his back. He seemed nervous. If this orphanage has shown him any sort of cruelty I might make some arrests on sight. As long as it doesn't stress out Izuku.

   I'm really worried about doing good for Izuku. He deserves a lot more than what he's been given. I suppose some of this fear might be from my own parents. They weren't bad, they were both heads of a company that built security systems so they didn't have time for me.

   But my parents aren't my concern right now, or they shouldn't be. This is about Izuku and him coming home and achieving his heroic dreams.

"Right on, little listener! You gave some great directions. Now before we came I called the head of the orphanage and he said for us to meet him in his office downstairs in the back, while you gather up your stuff and say goodbyes!" Mic yelled. He probably didn't notice he was yelling but he was and it's startling Izuku.

'He must be sound sensitive...'

"O-okay!" He strained out a stiff smile. He's trying to be energetic for 'Zashi. That's pretty cute. I'll tell Hizashi to tone it down a bit  for Izuku once we get home.

"Right then, we'll meet you in this main room okay?" I say walking into the main waiting room. It's got two windows, three lamps, and overhead lighting. It's way too bright in here. It's giving me a headache...

   We go our separate ways, Izuku upstairs and Hizashi and I down the hall. We head straight for the office and are greeted by a man in a dark blue suit upon a chair with a folder and stack of papers in front of him. The room is small but decent for an office. Hizashi and I took our seats in front of the man who seemed really happy for some reason...

"You two must be the 'Aizawa-Yamada's' correct?" The man spoke in a deep voice and his teeth were razor sharp. Must have been part of his quirk.

"Yes, that's us!" Hizashi greets the man with a bright smile.

"Great! I'm Takahashi, head of the orphanage. Now if I heard you right over the phone you're interested in Izuku Midoriya, yes?"

"Yes we are, we printed off the necessary forms and had them all signed." I pull a Manila folder from my duffel bag. "Here, this should be all of them."

   The man hardly flips through all of them before handing us a pen to fill out the other forms and papers on his desk. Takahashi watches our every movement like he's worried we might pull something on him. Once we finish filling out the last of the forms he makes copies of each paper we signed, handing us the original packet and tossing his new one on his desk before walking with us to the main room. Izuku isn't here yet.

"Hey, 'Zashi, I'm going to check on Izuku okay? His back is still injured so he might need help carrying his stuff down." I look at Hizashi, who took no time to make himself comfortable on the couch in the room.

"Right Sho' call me if you need help! I can pull the car around to the front for you guys."

"Thanks, that'd be nice." I make my way up the stairs before realizing that I don't know where Izuku's room is. I asked one of the kids playing in that hall where I could find his room.

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