Chapter 30: Exam START!

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A/N:This chapter shouldn't be 3000 words long but you never know! This is the start of the Exams and someone we know who isn't in the hero course has to take them. Enjoy this chapter!

Shouta POV:

   I got back to the house at 5:30 am, with no sign of the L.O.V. and no sign of Hisashi Midoriya. Upon some more research I found out he has a lot of underground connections, like some Yakuza groups. The creep is still out there and if he has ties like that then the L.O.V. is about to get more organized, something we don't need.

   Hizashi and Izuku come out of the laundry room. Izuku looks happier than I've ever seen him and Hizashi is just as giddy. Izuku pumps his fists in excitement. That kid sure loves Laundry.

"Hey, when did you get home?" Hizashi says walking over to me.

"Just now. When did you wake up?" I say as he gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Here you go!" Izuku brings me my coffee cup.

"Oh, Thank you." I smile before drinking most of it in one sip.

"We woke up around 4-ish and we watched a movie then we did some laundry and now we're going to get ready because we have a big day!" Hizashi smiles. As much as I love him, he can be a bit much for the morning.

"Yeah, the exams start today." Izuku smiles.

"I don't think I've ever seen a kid so excited for final exams." I smile and run a hand through his soft curly hair, which makes him smile up to me.

"Okay, Shouta go shower, you smell like a shady alleyway." Hizashi points me up towards the shower.

"How does a shady alleyway smell?" I ask him.

"Like a shady alleyway." Izuku shrugs.

"Exactly." Hizashi agrees with a proud smile.

"Right." I laugh walking up the stairs.

   After my shower to get the 'shady alleyway' smell off, I put on one of my costumes and headed to the car. Izuku had his uniform on and Hizashi in his costume. We drove to UA to set up for the exams. I prohibited Izuku from helping, since he would be taking these later. Once I finished it was time for class to start. I walk into my class and everyone sits in their right seats.

"Morning, today you'll have the first part of your exams. The written part for the Hero course Exam is timed but if you don't finish the first half today during class you'll do it during lunch, no points taken off." I say, writing some basic test rules on the board.

"If you cheat, we will know and you'll be expelled. Easy as that." I turn to them. I know the rules say cheating results in a zero but this is my classroom and expelling is my thing.

"One more thing, a student will be joining to take the exams with our class. If he passes he'll join this class." I say opening the door to let in Shinso.

"Sit there in the back." I point to an extra seat behind Izuku. I know the two are close. I hope sitting next to each can keep them calmer than normal.

"Right." He nods and smiles back at Izuku, who's grinning ear to ear.

"The first half of the written exam starts once I say so." I pass out the papers. Once everyone has one and a pencil, I walk back up to my podium and get into my sleeping bag.

"Okay, start." I announce from my comfortable spot on the floor. I wish teaching was always so quiet.

   45 minutes later and the first half of the written exam was done. Everyone had surprisingly finished in time. They were all dismissed for lunch before we swap over to the physical. I noticed Izuku and Shinso walking away from the lunchroom, which was concerning. Even if Izuku doesn't eat a lot I can't have him skipping meals.

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