Chapter 26: Encounter

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A/N:Enjoy! <3

Izuku POV:

   It was starting to get dark as we left the police station again. After helping the little boy we fought a villain that robbed a jewelry store. It wasn't too hard to take him down, he kept using the same moves. But now that he's turned over to the police and Sir Nighteye taught me how to handle some basic paperwork, we're heading back to the agency.

"Hold on, did you hear that?" Sir says, turning his attention down an alleyway. Nothing good ever happens in an alleyway.

"Hm?" Lemillion cups a hand to his ear and we start to walk down the alleyway.

"Here." I whisper, pulling out a low light flashlight from my utility belt.

"Good idea, it's easier to tell what's going on if we can see." Lemillion whisper laughs.

   There is a clank on some dumpsters and fire escapes but before I can even react something's jumping onto me. It cuts my arm barely and I fall backwards into what I assume were arms. Everything goes dark for a bit and I can't feel much, all I hear are the footsteps of whoever has me and Sir and Lemillion.

"DEKU!" Lemillion yells, but he sounds far away.

"Is that-" I hear Sir speak but I miss the last part of what he says.

   I finally open my eyes and get a look at what's going on. I'm on the hero killer's shoulders, I can't turn my head to see behind me. I can't move at all. That must be his quirk.

"I have no intention of killing you as long as you answer my questions." The hero killer speaks, running into another dark alleyway.

"Why should I answer a murderer?" I clench my teeth trying to get any part of my body other than my mouth to move.

"You don't want anything to happen to those two do you?" He says with a wicked grin plastered to his face.

'He's talking about Lemillion and Sir... damn it why didn't I see him coming? I could have avoided this.'

"Smart boy." He keeps running and jumping all over the place until I can't hear Sir or Lemillion anymore.

"Here, let's talk." He sits me down on a roof several feet above the road, in fact I can't hardly make out any of the people walking down below.

"What do you want?" I look at his eyes and the torn mask that covers them.

"I want to see if you're worthy. You seem to fight like a true hero and you're as humble as one too but I needed to meet you. So tell me, what do you think makes a true hero?" He looks back at me.

"I get it, this is a test. That's why you've been killing all those heros, because you didn't think they were worthy. So if I answer something you disagree with you'll kill me too. Seems pretty dirty to want to kill over a complex opinion." I send him a glare, trying to stall for time.

"Hm? Against killing? Or just my way of going about it?" He tilts his head up to the sky then back to me.

"Who the hell isn't again the killings of innocent people? I'm even against the killing of some guilty people! If you think bloodshed will 'make heros better' then your dumb. It's just putting them on edge, more likely to mess up at an already difficult job." I keep my eyes on him.

"Even when they inevitably catch you I hope you don't get the death penalty. You wanted to help, but went down the wrong path. You don't deserve to die, you deserve to be taught and put on the right path." I say.

"What about the villain that killed your mother? Does he deserve to live?" He has the same sickening grin on his face.

"How do you know about... no NO even that bastard doesn't deserve to die! It doesn't matter how you know about that, but I know him. He had struggled his whole life to control his quirk so he decided to be a villain, if someone had helped then no one would've died. And more bloodshed wouldn't have brought her back!" I hold back my tears.

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