Chapter 20: First and Second Student Matches.

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A/N: Part two time! And Izuku is ready to help Shoto get over family trauma. The first matches are mixed up a bit from canon because Ojiro and the others didn't drop out because of Shinso. So it won't be Izu vs Hitoshi. Anyways you'll see the match ups. Enjoy! <3

Izuku POV:

We made it past the second round! We all did incredible. I got worried near the end but Shinso was amazing.

"Let's see what the third round will be before we take our break!" Midnight says from the stage.

"The final round will be one on one fights! The students can win by getting the other out of bounds or by immobilizing them! Here's our match ups!" Midnight gestures to the large screen behind her again. I look for my name and see that my first match is against Todoroki.

This is going to be hard.

"With that our first match Hitoshi Shinso vs Denki Kaminari will start shortly!" Yamada says over the speakers as the crowd roars.

It's weird that the audience is smaller than other sports festivals but still manages to drown out all other sounds. But I don't have time to think about that, I need to get ready for my fight. I'll start by resting my hands for a second then I'll work on a plan.

The students and myself walk out of the main area and go to the waiting and changing rooms on the side. I wish Kaminari and Shinso good luck in their fight, then I head to my changing room. My match is right after theirs and I need to be ready.

"Izuku, can we talk?" Todoroki enters the room.

"Uh, yeah. What's-" I start.

"I won't use my flames to fight. I won't use my fathers damn power to win this. I will do this with just my ice." He says coldly.

"I- I don't understand... Why won't you use your fire? Did something happen?" I ask.

"Yes, when I was very young. My father beat my mother, my siblings, and me for years. He wanted me to surpass All Might and he would do anything to get his way. It pushed my mother off the mental edge. She snapped and poured boiling water on my face... that's why I have this scar and that's why I won't use the power that hurts us." He says.

"T- Todoroki I didn't know about that... but he doesn't control what you do with that power. He can't make you hurt people you care about because it's not his quirk. You control what you do with it. So use it and prove that it can be used for good!" I try to smile at him but something about this reminds me of my own father.

"You don't understand, I won't use his power because I'll prove I don't need it." He says.

"I- I get how you feel. And Endeavor sounds like an awful father but... it's still your quirk so use it and forget about him." I start to speak quieter than before.

"How could you know how I feel?" I starts to get short and upset.

"I-" I remember the burning fire, the bleeding hands, and all that yelling. "My own father burnt my back to the point that walking up stairs can be a pain. I know what it's like to be full of spite and rejection for old bastards that call themselves dads. I don't want you to make a mistake because of your hate for Endeavor. You can keep rejecting him but don't reject your own power." I look at him and he's no longer leaning on the wall.

"I get your reasoning... but I don't think I can." He says, that causes me to sigh.

"I'm going to get ready for our match." He speaks coldly and walks out of the room.

'Help him Izuku. You, of all people, know how he feels so help him!'

I have to help him. Even if it means I lose my match to his power, if I get him to view his quirk as his own then I have won. Todoroki deserves to know he isn't Endeavor and that he doesn't have to be him. I will help him. I decided to watch Shinso and Kaminari's match but on the way out I'm met with the devil.

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