Chapter 28: short rest before trouble!

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A/N: Hello! You guys are so great! Over 100 readers! I never thought my writing would get over like 12 XD. I hope you guys enjoy it and I want to run a quick poll by you. Who wins is going to get the biggest chapter.

Who is the most interesting villain?

1-the league of villains

2-Toga (on her own)


4-Hisashi Midoriya (on his own)

5-Hisashi Midoriya (w/ the lov)

Let me know what you think!

Izuku POV:

   We have the day off before we head back to school now that the internships are done. I woke up and decided I wouldn't run today. All I really need to do is rest after everything that happened. Stain and the Nomu. It was so strange and terrifying. But it's done now, I don't have to be scared.

I shouldn't be scared.

   I sit in the living room where Mocha, Espresso, and Cappuccino rub against me. They purr and play, tumbling with each other every now and then. Cappuccino is more aggressive than the others but he's still nice enough to sit next to me.

"Hey early bird! Whatcha doing?" Yamada walks down the stairs.

"Oh, just checking in with the cats." I smile towards him.

"Yeah, have you had breakfast yet?" He asks.

"N-not yet, I haven't had much of an appetite since I woke up in the hospital..." I mumble.

"That's okay listener, let's just get something light in you. If you wanna eat more then you can but if not you just have to eat a little bit." He rubs my back but I can tell I've disappointed him.

"Okay." I hug his legs then get up leaving the cats.

   We walk into the kitchen and I have a small portion of eggs and hardly a cup of orange juice before I start to feel like. Everything feels too familiar. The squish of the eggs is like the Nomu tearing my skin, orange juice like the blood that followed. Everything feels so connected but it's all so different, why can't I let this go?

"You okay listener?" Yamada turns to me with a frown.

"What's going on?" Aizawa comes down the stairs.

   I just remember his face being slammed into the floor of the USJ and him going unconscious. I watch it over and over again as my stomach churns.

"Izuku? Can you hear me?" Aizawa has me on the couch with Yamada next to him.

"Mhm..." I nod my head.

"Okay, are you better now?" He uses his hand to move some hair from my eyes.

"W-what happened?" I look at his worried eyes. They look painful and scared. I must have done something wrong.

"Well, you spaced out then you started crying and went into what I would call similar to a panic attack." Aizawa speaks slowly.

"And you threw up." Yamada adds, looking over Aizawaw's shoulder.

"Oh... oh. I'm sorry I-I didn't mean to... I..." I stutter.

"Hey it's okay Izu. I'm just glad you're safe, but I need to know what happened. Are you okay?" He turns my face up to his.

"I-I'm f-fine I just keep seeing Nomu... not really just remembering them. How they smashed your face and almost killed us or how they attacked in Hosu or even when that Nomu grabbed me. His screech hurts my head s-so bad...I" I start to tear up and breathe heavily.

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