pt 6 Cheating

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"Y/n dear" My mother yelled from downstairs.

I've started to accept my mother's personality change even though I know she didn't really. She's just trying to act better but deep down she still is the hypocrite she is.

I ran downstairs and was suprised to see another man in the house. He had dark skin and black hair. He looked about 6ft 2 and had some workout clothes on. But he didnt look like he had excercised.

"Hi you must be y/n, I'm Davie Fitzgerald. I've heard lots of great things about you and your career in figure skating. I'm going to be your trainer." The man exclaimed.

"Oh nice to meet you Davie when will we start training?" I asked.

"How about now? Trainings will be every Monday Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. I'll give you three days to rest your body" he said.

"Okay but can I please have one more day off since I have ice hockey practice on Wednesday." I questioned.

"Oh you play ice hockey. I think maybe you should quit, it's not good for figure skating since it is rough" He replied unsure.

"Oh Pleaase, all my friends play and I never really ever get knocked down" I said with puppy dog eyes to cover the fact that I always get knocked down.

"Okay fine, how can i say no, besides it's seems like a sport you love doing. Now missy we have some training to do " he proclaimed.

"Yesss!" I answered.


The game

It was already 6-0.

And everybody was falling to the ground trying to act hurt but everyone was failing, the refs didn't buy it.
The jets had the puck and were skating straight towards Goldberg. Goldberg however faked a fall and pretended to be hurt. But the team scored anyway.

"Give me a break ref! Open your eyes! Did you see what he did to me?" Goldberg yelled.

"Omg" coach Bombay yelled next to me at the bench not happy with what's going on.

"Goldberg!" Bombay said unhappy.

"What?" The kid said annoyed.

"You don't take the fall while they're shooting at you" Coach exclaimed.

"Oh! Well I guess you didn't explain that very well, did ya?" Goldberg uttered. "I throw myself on the ice-" Goldberg said ranting on and on.

"Goldberg are you okay" I asked the boy who was looking really pissed and tired.

"Yeah I'm okay y/n, thanks for asking, it's just being a Goalie is really hard you know the puck is being smacked at you none stop" he replied sadly but annoyed.

"Thats okay Goldie you'll get better trust me. Just a little time" I explained. Goldberg was smiling but my gaze shifted towards coach Bombay who was loosing his cool.

"Okay y/n, Charlie, Jesse you guys go on." Coach said irritated.

We all go into the ice where Jesse took the face. He ends up loosing and the jets get the puck. I skated towards the person with the puck and charged towards them making them smash into the wall. I get the puck and pass it to Charlie who was open.

Charlie had three players on him pressing him against the wall. He struggled to get out and Jesse and I try to get the puck but Charlie and the players fall down ontop of eachother.

"Charlie" coach yells to Charlie as he skates over. I skated over as well wanting to hear what he had to say to Charlie because maybe I might be able to do it too.

♡Oh Shut Up♡ Adam Banks x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now