pt 20 "arguement"

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A/n- ya'll I'm so sorry for not posting. Buts it's holidays again so I get about two weeks to continue to post:)

"So where are we going?" I asked Adam as we skated along the side walk.

"We are meeting Charlie at Han's." He responded not even giving me a sideways glance.

"And what are we doing there?" I questioned him again.

"He wants my opinion on what new skates he should buy for the semi finals" Adam stated again not looking down at me again.

"And why did you have to bring me?" I nagged.

"Cause" he said look a little bit annoyed. Or slightly angry.

"Why?"i continued.

"Because" he said, again.

"Why, why, why?" I stated.

"Stop asking me so many questions" he huffed.

"I'm just boreddd!" I responded.

"Well I could have just left you" he said sounding more irritated.

"Good cause then I could just sit and watch Ralph Macchio do karate on television. Now that's way more enjoyable" I giggled.

"Oh my god y/n" Adam stated annoyed.

"So what colour skates is he getti-" I started.

"Oh my God do you ever stop talking!" Adam yelled stopping me. " seriously it's getting really annoying"

"I-i" I stuttered.

"Can you just shut up for once in your stupid life" he ridiculed. "No wonder your mum doesn't like you"

I stopped in my tracks tears forming in my eyes. He's the only one I ever told about my mum and how people at my old school used to say how much I talked.

"What did you just say." I stated.

"I said no wonder your mum doesn't like you, I bet she doesn't even get to speak in your house cause your always the one talking. Like did you ever come to the circumstances that no one actually cares about what you say since you speak in a high pitch tone all the time. God it's annoying!" He bickered.

Tears were now flowing down my cheeks.

"I don't know what's gotten into you today because two days ago we were fine!" I screamed at him.

"Well maybe you should have thought about that before kissing Jesse" he screamed back.

"What! I did not kiss Jesse. Who told you that." I yelled.

"It doesnt matter anyway you still did it" he stated angrily.

"Adam I promise I didn't kiss him." I said trying to sound truthful.

"Sure sure I don't even know why Charlie told me to invite you. You're a bloody waist of air anyway." Adam fumed one last time.

" I hate you, you know that. I HATE YOU" I screamed. Skating away back to my house as fast as I could.

As soon as my skates were off I ran to my room. My parents were out and my brother was with the girl.

When they came home I decided not to tell them since I didn't want them to have a bad relationship with Adams parents they had already been so kind to us and got along great.

I went downstairs and pretended like nothing happened. Like no one completely just broke me and ruined my confidence.

Sorry it's a short one. Like a really short one but now ill probably update later today. And it's kinda bad but I will make it up to you :)

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