pt 11 forfeit.

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"Whooo go Adam!" I yelled out from the crowd. I was sitting with Mr Banks as we watched Adam play his game. They obviously won. The Hawks started to warm down Adam took his helmet off and smiled at me before continuing to skate.

"Okay y/n. I think it's time you go get ready for your game" Mr Banks said.

"Your right, congratulate Adam for me!" I said smiling.

"Sure thing y/l/n" Mr Banks agreed.
I walked off towards the locker rooms.

"You ready number 67?" Charlie asked running towards me.

"Yeah are you number 96" I giggled walking with Charlie towards the locker room.

"You bet" he laughed as we walked into the room.

"Hey guys where have you been?" Averman asked.

"Oh I was late. My mum had to clean up at her work place sorry. " Charlie exclaimed looking over at me.

"What about you y/n? You're never late." Jesse questioned.

"Oh ummm.. I was watching the game outside" I explained lowering my head.

"The Hawks game?" Goldberg said.

"No our game" I sarcastically said.

"Why were watchin that game?" Charlie asked.

"Ohhh....ummm......uhhhh" I stammered

"Y/n" Jesse questioned. "Don't tell me?"

"I feel caught" I whispered to myself.

"Let me guess y/n. Your little boyfriend asked you to watch his little game. " Jesse snickered.

"Shut up!" I fumed

"will you give him a little kiss on the mouth?" Jesse provoked.

"I said Shut up!" I yelled.

"What?" Charlie muttered.

"Yeah what?" Averman murmured.

"Who is it y/n?" Guy asked.

"It's no one" I sighed.

"So no one's Adam Banks now?" Jesse accused. Evrybody gasped and started there own gossip.

"Hey she can watch who ever she wants, now stop, why do you care anyways Jesse?" Connie defended me. While Jesse gave Connie a death stare and turned and walked out the door with Peter and Terry.

"Y/n! Adam's mine! You can't have him" Tammy screamed.

"Oh my god shut up, I never said I liked him." I groaned.

"If you don't like him then why did you kiss him huh?" Tammy bickered.

"You kissed him!" Averman commented

"Yeah what?" Goldberg vacillated.

"Y/n is that true?" Charlie asked.

"I uhh." I stuttered I didn't know what to say if I said yes they would all hate me and if I said no then I'm technically lying.

" no she didn't I was there, he kissed her! So stop tormenting her guys" Connie explained. "Look she doesn't want to keep talking about it guys"

As Connie said that Jesse, Peter and Terry walked back in. I quickly got changed into my gear and waited for coach.

"Thanks you Connie" I said to her.

"Anytime Y/n besides they were being rude!" She laughed.

"Yeah they were" I chuckled before coach finally came in.

♡Oh Shut Up♡ Adam Banks x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now