pt 21 " panic attack"

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Y/n pov

"Jesse!" I yell as I walk into the locker rooms as we prepair for our game. The only people in the room was everyone except for Adam and Goldberg, late as usual.

"Yeah" he says with a smirk.

"What's all this bullshit saying that you kissed me" I say raising my voice.

"No need to get angry baby" he snickers .

"Wha- I'm not your baby!" I say. Him and all the other boys were laughing. Well except Charlie.

"What girlll you don't remember?" He questions smiling at me though I do not return it.

"No I don't remeber" I laugh annoyed.

"Well we were at the park around 3 days ago where you confessed your love for me" Jesse said as Adam walked through the door, he was examining the tension between us as Jesse continued to speak. I started to get nervous like the pit in my stomach had just dropped even more.

"You were like " oh Jesse, I love you so much! I definitely don't like that rich boy Adam Banks. He's such a try hard" Jesse spoke mimicking my voice.

"Wow y/n" is all Adam spoke sarcastically.

"I never said that, yes we were together at the park-" I started before getting interrupted.

"Ah-ha she said it herself we were together, so what is all this talk saying you don't remember being with me" Jesse said as he put  his arm over my shoulder.

"Ugh get off of me" I yelled as I elbowed him in the gut.

"Ugh as if" I say. Jesse just smiles at Adam and walks to get changed. Adam walks beside me and gently pushes against my shoulder and says.

"I thought that you were different"

I couldn't speak it was as if all the air in my lungs had escaped. I rushed out of the lockers and ran to the middle of where everyone was hurrying to get to their sons and daughters games. This time I felt no air at all coming in, my mind was going crazy. I broke down to the floor, tears streaming down my face and didn't move. I was like that for around five minutes not moving a single muscle bit shaking.

"Y/n" I heard someone say very faint.

"Y/n!" It grew louder.

"Y/n!" The voice spoke louder as it came very close to my ear. I felt a hand on my back and I flinched away from it my body still crying and shaking.

"Omg y/n!" The voice spoke. I looked up and saw it was Hans.

"Are you alright" he said to me.

"N-no" I cry as I jumped into his arms with all my strength.

"Oh dear, i dont think you can play this game" he said examining my shaking body and the tears in my eyes.

"It's okay y/n/n I'm gonna take you to my car and I'll sort everything out. "he spoke with sincere in his voice.

"No, I need Adam" I breathlessly said.

"What was that dear" he asked as my voice was very faint.

"Adam, I need Adam" I cry. He understood and put me back down to the ground so I was leaning against a wall.

Adams pov

I can't believe her kissing Jesse, after all she said to me she goes and does that to me. I just, I didn't think she was the type of person to do that to someone. But I guess I can't be that mad we weren't together. But we did all those things with one another.

♡Oh Shut Up♡ Adam Banks x fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora