pt 10 Ducks?

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The next day

" The ducks? We're the Ducks?" Jesse questioned as we all sat in a room looking at coach Bombay who was holding up a jersey.

"What kinda of name is that?" I asked.

"Man, What brain-dead jerk came up with that name" chuckled Peter.

"As a matter of fact, I did"coach replied.

"Why couldn't we have been called the eagles or the Sharks! There much cooler names" I disputed as everyone agreed.

"I didn't have a choice guys. We're being sponsored." Coach explained.

"By who? Donald and daisy?" Averman commented making everyone laugh.

"Hey, you don't wanna be ducks? Fine! You'd rather be District Five? Some stupid number?" Coach defended.

"Better than some stupid animal." Peter deflected.

"I'll have you know, Peter, that the duck is one of the most noble, agile and intelligent creatures of the animal kingdom." Coach responded.

"But they're wimpy" Connie stated.

"They don't even have teeth" said guy.

"Neither do hockey players" Coach remarked earning a laugh from everyone.

"Have you guys ever seen a flock of ducks flying in perfect formation?" Coach asked. "It's beautiful. Pretty awesome the way they all stick together. Ducks never say die."

"Ever seen a duck fight" coach questioned. "No way. Why? Because the other animals are afraid."

"They know that if they mess with one duck, they get the whole flock" coach grinned as he took off his coat revealing his very own duck's jersey with the number 99 on it.

"Oh man" I chuckled. Everyone cheered as he strutted around the room like a model.

"I'm proud to be a duck! And I'd be proud to fly with any one of you." Coach stated. "So how about it? Who's a duck?"

Everyone looked around the room to see who was gonna give up first before Fulton stepped up.

"I'll be a duck" he said.

"Yeah, me too" Charlie agreed.

"I guess I will to then" i chuckled walking over to grab a jersey. Everyone else agreed and we all grabbed out a  jersey excited.

"Oh yes number 67" i cheered.

"Your father told me you would want it"  coach bubbled.

"Oh thank you so much Coach" I said embracing him in a tight hug. He was stiff at first but eventually hugged me back.

"No problem y/n" he chuckled.

We let go as I rushed to hug Jesse and Charlie.

"Now we're the ducks! The mighty ducks" coach yelled. We all cheered as we held up our new shirts.

Game day

"Okay guys here's 4 football's I want you to pass them around and skate. GO!" coach yelled cheerfully motivating us.

"How's that going to help?" I asked.

"Just do it y/n, No questions, now go line up" coach replied.

"Fine" I agreed skating over behind Connie. We all started doing the drill when I saw the cardinals all start looking at us. Can't blame them we do look kinda silly.

♡Oh Shut Up♡ Adam Banks x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now