pt 22 " shes so cute"

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Adam pov

As I got home my dad was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

"Hey dad where's mum I thought she was at home tonight" I asked as I looked at the cutlery and the half made salad sitting on the table.

"She had to run to the hospital an emergency occurred." My dad said in a worried tone.

"What's going on" I say suspicion growing in my voice.

"Son" my father said standing up putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n she's at the hospital" my father stated. I froze, I was just with her she seemed fine.

"What! Why!" I panicked pacing around the living room.

"Her mother said she fainted in the car and hasn't woken up since"

"But I was with her she seemed fine" I yelled.

"Look I was waiting for you to come home, now are you coming to the hospital or not." My father said raising his voice. Before I could answer my body moved instead I ran outside with my father behind me. We got into the car and rushed to the hospital.

As we reached the hospital I jumped out of the car and ran inside the hospital. I reached the front desk almost knocking over people on the way.

"Where's y/n y/l/n, what room is she in" I stated as quickly as I could.

"Do you have a parent with you" the lady asked in a calm voice.

"Yeah my dad's right there"i pointed over to the my father who was trying to get around people in wheelchairs and in crutches and then finally took a seat in the waiting chair.

"Where is she" I said more eagerly.

"Look only family members can see her." The lady spoke.

"What" I yelled.

"I'm afraid so"

"No I need to see her, I have to see her" I stated tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sor-" the lady started before getting cut off.

"He's with me I'm y/n's mum and I say it's okay" y/m/n said putting her hand on my back.

" fine" the lady stated.

"Adam this way" y/m/n encouraged.

"How are you so calm" I asked worried.

"She's okay Adam" she said.

Those words felt like music to my ears 'she's okay' that was the best words anyone could speak.

"Oh what happened to her." I questioned calming down a bit.

We reached the window of the room and I could see her lying their peacefully asleep.

"She had a panic attack, with a loss of iron and lack of sleep, her body just couldn't handle the pressure of everything so it decided to just uhh, give itself a rest." Her mother stated looking at her family that were situated around y/n. " the sad thing is the doctor stated that she has a panic attack disorder. "

"This was all my fault" I stated. " i put so much pressure on her i shouldn't have"

"It's not your fault dear, no one is to blame besides she's okay now. How bout this when she wakes up I'll tell her you visited and I'll ask her to come meet you." M/n said.

"Okay I'm just glad she's okay."

I said my goodbyes and told my dad she was okay and then we went. I said goodbye to my mother who was helping y/, my mother was putting food beside her bed to wake up to.

She looks so peaceful I want to always bring peace to her no matter what. Not hate or fear or sadness.

Y/n pov

As I awoke from my concussion I was greeted with good news and bad news well in my case just bad news.

The bad news is I've got a disorder, panic disorder which is great.

And the good news/ bad news is that Adam Banks was here wanting to talk to me. I don't know about you but I'm getting really nervous around him. I'm sick and tired of overthinking everything or talking to much it doesn't help when he's asking for me all the time "Hey y/n let's hang out" or "Hey y/n wanna go for a skate" I mean I like it but I'm not as easy going as I was before and that's really pissing me off since I've lost all my confidence. Like I've already kissed him for God's sake what am I nervous about now.

As I got out of the car my mother ushered me to the bank's house.great.

"Hey y/n" Adam says " are you feeling okay" he said while opening the door.

"Uhh-h yes better now, I'm fine- I heard you wanted to talk to me" I answered. Oh god i didn't have to say that much he probably wants me to talk with fewer words.

" Oh that's good, yeah I just wanted to check up on you since you kinda scared me, I got sorta worried" he stated scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh aha right, um I'm gonna go" I say turning around.

"Wait y/n" Adam says grabbing my wrist so I can face him. " You know I'm sorry right for all those things I said. Because they aren't true and you know that."

I sighed " yes I know Adam, now I need to go rest"

"Oh right hang out tomorrow" he asks.

"Okay" I say not turning around. Oh no he probably thought that was really cringey.

Adams Pov

She's so cute.

A/n: okay so as I mentioned in the arguement chapter he said that she talked to much and so now she's over thinking it without realising and he's also trying to explain how it's not true and that he is really sorry but she knows that but does it without thinking now.

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