Chapter 2: Reborn... As a Dragon?!

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Darkness covers everything momentarily, with a sense of swimming in something.

That sensation eventually faded as Jon regained consciousness.

"Wha- didn't I die?! Am I alive?"

He had a mild headache but for the most part, it seemed Jon was certainly breathing and alive.

Suddenly, he remembered the horrible fate that had befallen Seo-Jun, a person who should've been living life at the very least.

"Ugh, first off I have to figure out where I am and how I'm still alive."

The space around Jon was completely dark so he could not figure out where he was and simply opted to feel around.

Luckily, it did not take long to figure out Jon was enclosed in something brittle yet tough.

"Hmm, maybe I could just break through it...?"

Jon hits the wall in front of him, which didn't do much dmg but a singular crack allowed a ray of light to enter wherever he is.

"HA! Alright a few more punches should do it!"

After several punches, the crack only widened and spread a little bit, as his punches weren't that strong. Jon sighs in frustration.

"What the heck, why is it so har-"

Just as Jon was finishing his sentence, the wall broke and he fell right through.

For the first time, he tried to look around and see where he was, only to squint for several minutes due to the sudden exposure of bright light.

Strangely, it was eerily silent. The city of New York is rarely ever silent but then again Jon was supposed to be dead.

However, once Jon's eyes adjusted to the sunlight, it was clear that wherever he was, it wasn't in New York.

"Huh? What? Where the heck am I?!"

Jon looks around for any sign of human presence, only to stare at where he was trapped.

"AN EGG?! Haha alright, very funny, whoever you are please cut it out man."

Just as Jon finished shouting, a nearby rustling sound immediately drew his attention.

Normally being an introvert would cause him to run away at the mere thought of having to interact with people unless it's work.

Unfortunately, curiosity compelled him to stay.

Soon the noise was very close and out of the bush came... a green blob?

"Wait... is that a Slime? WAIT, why is there a Slime?!"

Jon panicked as he tried to rationalize the existence of a Slime.

After panicking for several minutes, Jon looks at the slime that was staring at him, and finally calms down.

"Hmm, well I guess it is kinda cute..."

Jon cautiously walks over to the unmoving slime and tries to pet it since it looked harmless.

Just then he saw his hand and realized it wasn't human.

Not what one would expect, but Jon clearly took it very well.

"KYAAAAAH, what the hell?! I have paws - er, wait, claws?!"

Jon immediately twisted and turned his head and saw he was some sort of small reptile, with a tail and wings covered in orange scales.

"No wait... Am I a dragon? A baby dragon no less... Then that means that I just came out an egg?!"

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