Chapter 4: Is luck a skill?

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Before Jon's battle with the Water Serpent guardian...

A girl wearing simple white clothing with gold decoration that covers most everything except for legs and arms, along with lightweight durable gold and white armour pieces.

Surrounding her was another girl, or rather an elf, and two men.

"So Saintess, where exactly are you leading us? I figure we would be fighting monsters..."

The Saintess turned around and stared menacingly at the adventurer causing him to shrink back.

"Hehe, are you questioning me...?"

"NO! Forget I said anything... hehehe..."

The adventurer sighed in relief internally, after witnessing such a brute of a woman shave a few years of his life away just by giving an overwhelming aura of fury.

"Anyways, you are right, something is amiss... We haven't encountered any monsters yet, even though the area around here should have some."

That is when the party noticed a noticeable trail of destruction, first with the dire wolf's body which shocked them all.

"By the gods, what monster could defeat such a beast? Not even S -"

"Please... Finish that sentence..."

The Saintess turned into the same complaining adventurer with biceps tensed, showing off her muscles in the process.

The adventurer felt his soul leave his body from sheer terror.

"No, no. Nothing."

"Good. Let's continue, we have to find the Blade of Flowing Water as the Church of Sage wanted!"

And so the party continued before hearing several shouting and grunting.

They carefully approached to find two trolls equipped with spiked clubs arguing with each other right in the middle of where Jon murdered the group of goblins.

Itching for a fight, the Saintess jumped in and punched the trolls to death with only the elf cheering her on while the other men simply stare with horror.

"Are you sure she's not a monster?"

"Best not to question the Church of Auris' most powerful weapon..."

It didn't take long before the trolls were beaten to death and noticed a blood trail left by Jon.

In their search for the Blade of Flowing Water, the only thing they could learn was that it was said to be hidden behind a waterfall.

Which only made sense when they find the blood trail disappearing into a large lake with a waterfall on the opposite side.

The adventurers excitedly began running towards it with the Saintess leading.

Upon inside, they instantly felt the ground shaking.

"Wah, what is going on?!"

"Stop dawdling fools, we have to secure the blade no matter what! We shouldn't have any problems with my strength and Frey's healing abilities."

They quickly arrive at the entrance of the cove, to see a large serpent dissolving into water and a small figure collapsing to the ground from the air.

After getting down, they discover a young orange dragon.

"Is it dead?"

"I'd say so, I mean it's got a gaping hole in its chest... Hey maybe we can eat it, I heard dragon meat is rare and delicious! Plus it got the sword for us!"

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