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♠   D r o w n e d   ♠

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♠ D r o w n e d ♠

"Calliope!" Will screamed coming out of his car. A black car mysterious drives off in the distance and he heard his father's voice shout, "Caesar!" he saw him running to a bush and followed, Caroline following behind him.

"Dad. . . ." his father took the unconscious ape in his arms, cradling him gently. "Dad, tell me what happened. Where's Cal?" Charles was quiet, not wanting to relive what just happened seconds ago. "Dad. ." his son pressed on, his voice more firm.

"They took her, Will." he croaked out, his shoulders shaking as he told them, "they came looking for a girl and they took her."

Caroline moves over to inspect the injured ape, seeing a small cut on his left shoulder. "He will be alright. I'll fix his wounds, he might need a few stitches. . . .Will?" she rambles on but saw from the corner of her eye, Will retreating back into his car. "Will, where are you going?"

"To the police station." he only replied opening the car door.

"Hold on, I'll come with you." she says but saw him shake his head. "No, I need you here. With dad and Caesar."

"You can't do this on your own, Will. Let me help you." Caroline insisted. Before they left, she had stitched Caesar up and Charles said he would watch over him. The two then left the house and drove to the nearest police station.

When they arrived, Will bolted in panting as he made to the front desk, "Please, please," he pants, "you have to help me. They, they kidnapped my daughter." he told the man with a shaky voice, feeling Caroline's present beside him. "She has bright grey eyes and blonde hair. . ."

"Sir, I need to calm down and be more specific. What was she wearing?" the officer cut him off and asked him.

Will's hand ran over his face, "I- I don't know, she came from school and changed from her school uniform and I wasn't home at the time. . ." he rambled on, his heart beating in a fast rate and he tries by all means to calm himself.

"Did you see the number plate of the car?"

"I don't know," he shook his head, "I don't know, it was too dark to see."

"I'm sorry sir," the officer apologizes and went on saying, "unless you come back with more useful information, we can help you."

"No, no, please," Will quickly said, "You need to help me now! She can't survive on her own."

"Sir, children go missing everyday. We're doing our level best-"

"You don't understand-" Will cut him off but caught himself. He could not afford for the truth of what his daughter really was slip out.

"Will, Will, you need to calm down. We'll find her. . ." Caroline says, moving him away from the police officer that wasn't contributing on the matter.

They sat down at a near by wooden bench, "She's my little girl, Carol. . . ." he whispered, distraught took over him as he buried his face in his hands. "She's naive of the dangers of this world."

"I know. But we will find her and everything will be alright. . ." She rubs his arms, assuring.


Calliope woke with a start. Instead of finding herself in the comforts of her room and in the bed she shared with her brother, she laid on a rough metal surface. She saw white, all around. And it only took her a second to recall the events that led her to remember where she was. She was kidnapped!

She couldn't muster up the courage to cry, her cheeks dried out with tear stains as she smelt the air filled with salt. The sound of an engine bouncing from ear to ear and the crashing of waves against a surface. All these signs led her to believe she was on a boat in the beach. The many incoherent voices spoke to one another and she felt arms wrap around her.

The girl tried to put up a fight, kicking whoever picked her up. "Stop squirming!" a man's voice yells and before she knew, her tiny body hit coldness.

The ocean. She was thrown into the ocean. She saw this as the white bag over her drifted away as she felt her feet being tugged by a log metal chain.

Calliope tries to swim up but the metal overpowered her. And instead of going up to the surface, she went down into the darkness. Slowly, she started losing breathe and her whole world was covered in a black oblivion. And she faded into darkness.

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