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♠    D r o w n e d    ♠

Koba sat on one of the top branches of the tall trees, a spear in hand as he searched for the human. It had been almost roughly three hours and he had been wondering through the trees trying to track down the human girl. He had a lead but quickly lost it on the other two hours and now he sat aimlessly looking around. And to his luck, there was no sign of her anywhere.

He growls beneath his breath. He lost her. Climbing down the tree, thinking if the human had already made it to the city. She must have been fast if that was true. The woods were large and the colony was deep inside them. Koba decided not to return to the colony but headed to the place he found peace in.

A dark cove. It was a fair distance from the colony and whenever he needed to be alone, he came here. Be it night or day but he most enjoyed it during nightfall. He had many troubles in his life, one of which, losing his beloved wife, mother of his children and losing his sons. It was rare for him to even find a mate.

With all the females finding him scary with his scars but he never felt ashamed. Scars made him strong.

The cave was only lit by the moonlight and the rushing of the waves fills his ears. The sweet echoing of the waters that rushed in and out the cave was always a lullaby for him. He fiddles with pebbles, throwing them in the water and hearing the splash. The serenity gave him peace he needed, this was the place he disappeared to, to calm himself down.

It was subtle. But he heard it. Koba knew the sounds well of his little hiding spot and the sound he heard did no go with the usual rhythm. He picked up the long spear, slowly down his breathing to listened closer. Then, he heard it again.

Behind a huge bolder, the sound shifts on the sand. He stood to his feet from his seated position and sneered to the said bolder making no noticeable sound. He pounced like a predator at his prey, trapping whatever made the sound.

It was the filthy human. Koba growls, baring his sharp canines. The human recollects her breathing trying to push him off but not succeeding. The two wrestled to get out of each other's death grip. Humans were easy to kill, against an Ape, they would die in seconds. But this human put up a fight.

“Stay down!” he roared in his deep voice in attempts of scaring her. Looking at her grey eyes, he saw no fear as she gave a loud cry reaching for a big rock. Calliope knocked him down enough to get away from his laying form.

He glared up at her with his green eye, grunting as he got up. The scarred bonobo reached for his spear, swinging it to hit her but every blow being missed as she dodges. She grabbed the end, breaking the center with her elbow.

His eyes widened but soon hardened as he tackles her on the ground. Wrapped his hands around her throat, choking her but she kicks it torso for him to let go. Yet he didn't. Calliope punched his chest but that didn't work either.

The blonde wrestled the ape and they rolled into the water where his grip lightens but he wasn't failing this time. He would kill her and make it look like an accident. His son wouldn't have to rely on her, she was not one of them. Calliope fished for a needle in her pocket and stabbed it on his shoulder.

The one eyed ape cries in pain of the sudden sting but soon felt light-headed. His grip becomes lose as darkness took over him.

Calliope resurfaced and desperately gasped for air, catching a few breaths and her eyes wondered around the dark cave. Clenching her jaw, she grunted before diving in the water and after the unconscious drowning bonobo.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: May 17 ⏰

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