Chapter 1

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BOOM!! Here is chapter 1 for all you lovelies!!
Gosh I'm so excited I can't wait to see what you all think of this first chapter oh man prepare yourselves!!


It was a bright summy day in the middle of July.

Where a young pastel blue almost white hedgehog around 3 was laying peacefully right in the middle of a beautiful meadow, with the wind softly blowing through his quills as he slept soundly. 
When a large owl went over to him and gently shook his shoulder "little one, is time to get up," she said softly waking up the small toddler who stretched a bit before yawning.

This earned a soft giggle before she scooped him up in her wings allowing him time to wake up as he snuggled into her chest.

"Your mother's been waiting for you to get back little one, it's lunchtime," she said as the young male rubbed his eyes while giving a soft nod of his head before clinging on to her and after a while, they finally got to the house when the owl opened the door with her talons.
You see, she's not from this planet, she came from elsewhere but ended up trapped after a crash-landed where she was accepted and taken care of by the small blue's family making her in debt to them.

"We're here Mrs. Hedgehog," she calls out as a woman with blue quills and blond hair, appeared her crystal blue eyes shimmered brightly at the sight of the two "just in time for lunch! Thank you so much Longclaw. And please call me Bernadette, also was he in his favorite spot agian?" she asked with a soft smile.

"He was and I'm sorry Mrs. He- I mean Bernadette," Longclaw answered before carefully putting the small toddler down as he went over to his mom who scooped him up "come on, let's get together, your daddy will be home later on for dinner too," she said sweetly then planted a soft kiss on his forehead, earning a giggle from the toddler.



Later on, as the sun had begun setting the small toddler was with a large wolf that was licking his quills and cheek causing the small blue hedgeling to giggle happily while clinging onto the wolf's fur, as Longclaw watched the two with loving eyes.

"Now don't smother him too much Lunar, he needs to also bond with his mother as well, you know this," Longclaw says as the wolf turned his head over to the owl before bowing his head sheepishly in embarrassment. This caused the owl to giggle a little when said mother of the small toddler entered the room "what's this about Leo trying to steal my son agian," she says in a playful hurt tone, as the wolf huffed before picking up the small child by the back of his shirt making sure to be extra careful not to hurt him and went over to his mother.

"Thank you for returning my child Leo," she says while carefully removing her son from the wolf's jaws as Leo whined a little "you know you also have your own pup as well, go spend some time with him instead of trying to steal my son," she says when Leo pressed his muzzle into her hip.

"I know my son is cute, but you can't steal him. I want bonding time with my son too," she says as the small hedgeling was reaching for her quills his little tail wagging happily with joy.

As Longclaw smiled softly at the two bickering mammals that equally loved the small pup.

When the front door opened earning their attention "I'm home," a man called out he had deep blue quills and brown hair when the little toddler squealed with joy "da!" he called out.

This made the woman giggle as Leo's tail wagged happily before deciding to bounce over to the man as the woman went over to him as well so the toddler could be held by his father "welcome home Jules, how was work?" she asked with a soft smile.

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