Chapter 15

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Guess what, a brand new point of view has been unlocked.
Now loading a new area...


At a different household, on a fall afternoon around October, a twin-tailed fox had just left his LAB a.k.a the basement that Knuckles likes to call it just to mess around with the young fox for fun since Tails hated it.

When the twin-tailed fox went towards the kitchen where he saw the echidna "oh, are you coming in for a snack?" he questioned "ya, I'll be heading back out later," Knuckles replied.

"Um, well before you go can I ask you a question?" Tails asked while tilting his head "yea, go for it," the echidna says before stepping out of the fridge and closing it after finding what he wanted.
"You know that new guy Sonic? The one who's been coming to the school for a while," Tails says while knuckles leaning against the counter snacking on some grapes.

"Why don't we invite him to come to hang out with us this weekend," Tails says when Knuckles almost chocked on his grapes "what?" he questioned while growling slightly "yeah, it would be fun to help him get more friends, then just me so why not," Tails says while tilting his head.

"Cause he's..." Knuckles soon sighed heavily "fine..." he grumbled annoyed glaring at the wall when Tails smiled happily.

"Great, I'll tell him when we see him tomorrow," Tails said before running off as the echidna sighed and puts his snack away, not feeling hungry anymore, and went out of the house slightly annoyed muttering about having to protect the Master emerald anyway.



The next day came around, as Tails and Knuckles waited outside the front of the school gate waiting for the blue speedster.

Until he caught Knuckles's eye though he seemed to have run right past the school gate taking them both by surprise with a wolf following right behind him "um," Knuckles says unsure if the blue blur knew where his school was anymore exactly.

As Tails watched Sonic run off "he's not stopping," he then said when the two sighed before looking at one another "hey, guys you were waiting for me," someone said out of the blue as Tails yelped clinging onto Knuckles, who luckily caught him when they both saw Sonic standing in front of them.
"When did?" Knuckles could only say as he frowned "I was just taking a jog around school," Sonic says as the wolf beside him barked happily.

"Oh, and this is Blast," Sonic soon said while the echidna carefully placed Tails down "Blast, this is Tails and Knuckles," the blue blur introduced them as Blast stepped closer to sniff them before sitting on the ground.
"He's Lunar's Son," Sonic explained while Tails nodded and lightly pets the wolf's head which he was allowed to do.

Though Knuckles only shook his head "don't you know those things are dangerous," he says when the blue teen looked at the wolf beside him "I know, I've basically lived with them throughout my entire life so," Sonic says with a shrug until Blast stood up and huffed before walking off.

"Bye Blast, see ya later," the blue hero says when the wolf replied with a howl before running off "he's like a brother to me, anyways let's go," Sonic says with a chuckle.

"Actually I have a question for you," Tails then says "what is it?" Sonic questioned with a tilt of his head "did you want to hang out with a few friends of ours, we're hanging out this weekend," the twin-tailed fox asks when Sonic looked confused for a second.
"Oh sure," Sonic said happily which made Tails smile before they all began to walk into school together with Knuckles following behind them quietly.

Up until it was time for him to go to his own classroom leaving the two alone to head to their classes themselves.

As they laughed with each other on the way there.


It was now the end of the school day as Sonic was now waiting at the school gates when he felt a paw lightly hit his leg *hello pup, I'm here to pick you up,* Leo barked his tail wagging happily.

"Oh hey," Sonic says with joy "I can't go home just yet, I'm waiting for my friend, he told me to wait here a bit while he brings someone here," Sonic says as Leo sat down *oh, ok,* Leo huffed while nodding his head.

*Alright, let's wait for them together then,* Leo barked happily his tail wagging with joy.

"Sonic!" the blue blur's male name was called as he turned his attention towards who called him when he saw Tails running over to him though he didn't have Knuckles with him, instead there was a pink hedgehog that followed after him.

Leo's jaw almost dropped before his tail wagged to a blur "Lunar, don't do it," Sonic warned when he saw the wolf dance in the place he was standing at.

"Do you know who that is?" Sonic soon questioned confused wanting to know who exactly Leo was reacting so positively towards *of course, I know who she is! Oh, what are the chances!!* Leo howled with joy.
Taking a few of the students by surprise as Sonic nodded his head slightly while chuckling nervously "what has him so happy?" Tails asked confused.

When the pinkette tilts her head curiously as well "hehe, this time I don't know," Sonic says while rubbing the back of his head.

"So, who is this?" Sonic asked *what? you don't remember her?* Leo whined frowning up at Sonic ^If I'm being honest I don't, and if I did, she looks completely different from what she used to look like.

"I'm Amy," the pinkette answered while smiling softly "it's nice to meet you, names Sonic," the blue blur replies happily *do you want me to tell you myself, who she is?* Leo huffed pawing at Sonic's leg, earning the teen's attention once more ^I guess so, who is she?
"And this is Lunar," Sonic says as Amy smiled softly before kneeling down and held her hand out toward the wolf.

Leo then nuzzled her hand not wanting to hurt her by accident *This is Amelia, the girl from the park,* the wolf answered with a soft bark.

"What!?! I mean, oh, uh," Sonic tried to backpaddle from his random outburst when he earned Amy, and Tails attention as well as a few other students ^What do you mean, this is Amelia she looks nothing like her!

Sonic looked at the wolf in surprise but also a bit embarrassed as Leo looked at him with a smug look *Yes, pup this is most likely Amelia. She had changed beautifully haven't she?* he huffed proud of himself.
"Are you ok Sonic?" Tails asked confused "oh, yeah. Everything's fine, sorry about that," Sonic says as Leo placed his paw over his muzzle looking away.

"Don't laugh at me," the blue blur says offended but that only made the wolf try and mask his laugh harder *you're making yourself look like a lunatic pup. Now, what exactly is going on, for the meeting of Amelia?* he huffed while calming down.
"Are you sure your feeling alright?" Tails asked as even Amy was also concerned "yes, I'm positive, I'm perfectly sane," Sonic answered ^My friend Tails invited me to come hang out with them this weekend.

*What!!?* Leo barked looking shocked this time ^Yeah, I was pretty surprised to.
*Did you say yes? Please tell me you said yes. Well did you, did you?* Leo huffed pawing at Sonic's leg with hope in his eyes ^I did say yes.

Leo bounced around happily *Ah!! First hangout ever oh Suzy will be so surprised when I tell her this!* Leo ran around the three happily before howling again.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, what day is it?" Sonic asked Tails who finally turned his attention back to him "oh, this Saturday," the twin-tailed fox answered "alright thanks, also, I should really get going though," the blue blur says until Leo lightly nipped at his hand.

*Wait wait! Tell them you won't be alone, Saturday is our daily walk together remember,* Leo huffed "oh wait, before I go. I hope you don't mind if I bring two other wolves with me, we normally have our walks on Saturdays," Sonic says when Tails and Amy, looked at one another.
"Sure, I guess," Tails says with a shrug of his shoulders as Amy nodded her head in agreement.

"Great thanks Tails, I'll tell the others," Sonic says before jogging off with Leo following right after him leaving the two confused as to what had just happened.

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