Chapter 5

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A Year went by

And now, Maurice was 8 years old as he was now heading to school while holding Bernadette's hand while Leo walked on his other side "mama, how come daddy or mom can't take me?" the young male asked with a tilt of his head.

"Well, for starters. Your father has to focus on other things and not what people would think of him since after all, it's not every day you find a half cyborg roaming the streets. Then as for Longclaw, she would rather stay at home with Suzen and Blast," she says, with a soft tilt of her head "What's a cyborg?" Maurice asked *it's what your father is turning into. Or in other terms, a robot,* Leo huffed answering the young male.

"Oh," the young male says understanding a bit when Lunar pressed his muzzle into his arm *Also, I need you to do something for me alright,* he barked slightly.

"What is it?" Maurice questioned with a tilt of his head *when you want to talk to me, use the connection I taught you pup,* Leo huffed "oh ok," Maurice says when they finally arrived at the school building together.

Heading straight to the principal's office "hello," Bernadette says earning the desk lady's attention when she smiled brightly "hello, welcome to emerald elementary," she says with a smile on her face as Maurice stepped closer to his mom clinging onto her, as she then wrapped an arm around him.
"I signed my son in a few weeks back, his name is Maurice hedgehog," Bernadette says as the lady typed on her computer "ah, and you must be his mother Mrs. Hedgehog," the woman asked "yes I am," Bernadette says with a soft smile.

Leo moved closer to Maurice to quickly fix his shirt a bit but tried not to do too much to be overbearing while distracted Bernadette was getting Maurice signed in.

"Ok, you're all ready to go, son, will you be ok with finding your class?" Bernadette asked "ya," the young 8-year-old answered earning a smile from his mom "ok, your room is Ms. Howord 305," she says as both Maurice and Leo nodded their heads.

"Ok, thank you, mama," he says *Ok, Ms. Howord, 305,* Leo huffed then the two left the office "I'll be on my way now," she says as the desk lady nodded her head.

With the two, that walked the hall together Leo looked around as his tail wagged softly *ok, once you get to class, you're going to be on your own alright,* the wolf huffed while lowering his head down to press his muzzling into the child's gloved hand, ^What? How come?

*I have to be mindful of other kids' allergies, I would hate if one of them were to get sick all because of me...But don't worry, I won't be going anywhere I'll be waiting for you,*  Leo's tail wagged happily.
^Oh, where will you be waiting?

Maurice's ears lowered *Right outside, you'll probably even see me out the window. But I want you to know I will not leave your side, understand,* Leo licked the child's cheek earning a little giggle ^Ok, thank you Lunar,

*Your welcome pup,* Leo's tail wagged happily until he sat down once they got to the classroom where Maurice took a deep breath to try and calm his nerves "I can do this, I can do this," he muttered to himself, *Yes you can, I believe in you, pup,* Leo huffed while lightly nudging the 8-year-old forwards as the young blue hedgeling moved forward before peeking inside the room earning his teacher's attention.

"Oh! You've finally arrived. Come on in," she says happily as Maurice nods slightly before walking into the classroom as Leo slightly moved closer to the door but didn't go into the classroom.

The young male muttered something as he played with his fingers before looking over to the doorway as Leo waved his paw slightly as if encouraging the young hedgeling.

"T-the names Maurice..." he said a bit hesitantly when some of the kids started laughing causing the young blue male's ears to lower slightly *don't let that get to you pup, be confident,* Leo huffed though he was growling slightly annoyed of the other kids, that was laughing at his pup.

But he had to calm down himself "settle down student, it's not nice to laugh," Mrs. Howord says "but his name is so funny," one of the kids says.

*Maurice is a good name, there's nothing wrong with it,* Leo growled softly when the young 8-year-old took a deep breath to ease his nerves before smiling "It's ok Mrs. H, my name is pretty funny," Maurice says while laughing a little.
"Are you sure?" his teacher asked when the small male waved his hand stating that it was ok before he went to his seat.

While Leo who was watching from the doorway calmed down a bit before a soft smile made its way to his face as the wolf's tail wagged a bit and he backed down, proud of the young 8-year-old for dealing with the situation so smoothly.




During the rest of the school day, it went pretty smoothly and Maurice was pushing himself to be more open with the other kids to make friends and he was able to do so, all because he knew Leo was with him.

He even saw the wolf peeking through the glass windows happily which made the young child smile as his tail wagged softly.

So when the school day was over, Maurice had ran to meet his mother at the front of the school along with Leo who sat beside her his tail wagging with joy at the sight of the happy child *hello pup!* the wolf huffed.
"Leo, told me how you've been and I'm so proud of you," Bernadette said softly while kneeling down to nuzzle her son's cheek earning a soft giggle from the young male.

"Thank you, mama," Maurice replied when his mom picked him up and then carried him home "so, did you make any friends?" she asked "yeah I made a few," he said happily *Oh! What are their names, what are their names?!* Lunar barked bouncing a bit with his steps, his collar jingled softly with his excited movements.

This caused the two hedgehogs to laugh at the wolf's actions so the young male began telling his mom and Lunar the names of his new friends as his tail wagged with pure joy.

As the two listened softly with content smiles on their faces while making their way home, where Longfang and Jules were waiting for them.

Along with Suzen and Blast, who couldn't wait to hear the news of how the young male's school day went since he had missed so much in the first place and...They just wanted him to at least make some friends.

Since he couldn't live all his life without anyone to rely on if something were to happen to them...

But sadly...

They should have guessed...

Not all good things last a very long time...

Especially with...

Danger, that lurked by every corner...

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