Chapter 13

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A few days had gone by since that day as Sonic was now walking the streets with Blast, Leo, and Suzen who had seemed to be putting on a bit of weight as her tail wagged happily.
The group of four was just walking around as they wanted to see what the school grounds that Charles had picked out for Sonic looked like.

Since...well. It's been a while since they've seen an actual school building before, which is understandable *Woah, this place looks huge,* Blast huffed while looking up at the building.

"Is this really a school? Are they normally four stories?" Sonic asked confused *I'm not sure,* Leo huffed as Suzen sat down listening to the boys talk with one another about the school Sonic was going to be enrolled in.
"How much do you think it cost to be in this place?" Sonic soon asked *probably a lot,* Blast huffed amazed.

When Leo turned his attention towards Suzen *how are you feeling so far?* he huffed while moving closer towards her *I'm alright, I feel like I can walk for longer,* she leaned into him her tail wagging softly. 
*Are you sure?* Leo whined before earning a nod from Suzen who soon got up and went over to Sonic *let's get a move on, I'm sure Julian is waiting for us,* she barked.

"Oh right," Sonic says with a big smile on his face as he turned on his heel and started walking as the wolves followed after him happily.


Once they made it to the park Suzen laid by one of the benches with Leo at her side as Blast and Sonic talked or well Sonic talked with Julian since the two had became great friends over the years, as the older male handed the young speedster three chili dogs and carried 5 hot dogs over to Suzen and Leo, Blast was fine without one.

"So, are you excited about school tomorrow?" Julian asked "yeah, I am. It's been a while since I've actually been to one so maybe it might be a fun experience," Sonic replied with a smile while happily chowing down.

"Well, I'm glad you're positive about it, especially for someone starting around the fall," Julian says with a smile which Sonic nodded his head in agreement "of course I'm positive, I'll be able to show off my favorite scarf to everyone," the blue speedster said with joy, his tail wagging softly as he then finished his chili dogs while walking over to the trash can to throw his trash away.

"Oh also, did I tell you that Alpha's pregnant," Sonic says as Julian gasps "she is!" he said shocked "yup," the blue blur announced proudly as Leo howled with joy bringing attention to the group as Suzen shook her head.

"That's amazing!!" Julain said while clapping his hands together when his watch started beating "oh, gotta get goin' I'll see ya around later Sonic," he says "alright," Sonic replied.

The 16-year-old soon looked over to Suzen and Leo who had also finished their hot dogs as well *we shouldn't eat too much, we're going out for dinner tonight,* she soon huffed *we are?* Blast tilts his head confused *we are,* Leo huffed as he got up while Sonic went over to pick up after them.


Soon nighttime came around and the group of now 5 were heading out to get food as they were dressed warmly due to how cool it was outside due to the chilly winds that nipped at their noses.

Leo moved closer to Suzen as they shared a scarf together their tails wagging softly as Blast trotted by sonic's side he was wearing a silly little coat but it kept him warm. 

For some reason no matter how fluffy he looked apparently his fur wasn't thick enough to keep him warm? Maybe he wasn't eating as healthy as he claimed to be.

Sonic was wearing a thin coat and a black scarf something he got from Julian on his 14th birthday he really appreciates it when his ears perked up "oh since I have school tomorrow you think I'll be able to see that girl agian, we used to hang out so much when we were kids," Sonic says earning his uncles attention.

"You mean that Amelia girl?" he asked "yeah," the blue blur replied with a soft smile on his face "she was my first friend after all, it made me pretty sad when she had to move away,"  Sonic says when Charlies lightly pulled him into a side, "no worries, I'm sure you'll see her agian," he said with a big smile on his face which made Sonic smile as well.
Once they arrived at the restaurant that was pet-friendly Charlies went to order their food while Sonic searched for a table they could all sit at without getting in the way of the people and staff.

*You should probably ask Charles, about your schedule and which part of the school you're attending. Considering you are 16,* Leo huffed "I guess," the blue blur replied while leaning on his head and glancing up at the ceiling.

"Should I ask him once he gets to the table?" he then questioned *yes, you should,* Suzen huffed before Leo pressed his muzzle against Suzen's cheek causing her tail to wag.

*Also, pup. Remember you share a link with us so please use it,* Leo growled slightly being stern until Suzen licked his ears "right, sorry," Sonic says as his ear flicked to the side before turning his attention to the window outside when his ears pointed forward.

"Hey, er-" Sonic cut himself off catching himself ^Guys, do you know how my parents are doing?

Leo and Suzen look up at Sonic *of course we do, after all, we are connected to your parents by bond. It allows us to know if our masters are safe or are in trouble, it's not all about understanding us,* Leo huffed before carefully shimmying out of the scarf he was sharing with Suzen, which she helped him out of *it's much more then that,* Suzen barked slightly.

When Lunar moved over to Sonic and stood on his hine legs placing his paws on the teen's lap *your parents are doing well, very well and your father is no longer in any pain. Your mother is also in good health too,* Leo whined softly giving the teen a soft smile.

Though the blue blur still had one more question though until Suzen's ears lowered *we don't have a connection nor a bond with Longclaw, so we don't know how she's doing,* she huffed as Leo whimpered when he noticed, that Sonic's emotion's changed.
Until Blast hopped onto a chair and pressed his muzzle against the teen's cheek *cheer up, we all know how strong she is, after all, she taught you half of what you know didn't she,* Blast's tail wagged softly.

When Sonic shook his head until Leo managed to climb onto Sonic's lap his tail wagging as well *your brother's right pup, come on where's that big smile you had earlier,* Lunar barked before licking the teen's cheek as Blast got down, as the blue blur chuckled.

"Ok, ok I get it," he said *oh you better get it, or else he'll smother you more,* Suzen huffed her tail wagging with pride *and you know he will,* Blast growled playfully.

When Leo pressed his muzzle into the teen's cheek making Sonic laugh as Charles had just walked over a soft smile on his face "my my, I must have missed something important," he says while Sonic was trying to get his father figure to stop smothering him.

Though Charles didn't do anything to stop Leo who was obviously happy to get to coddle his other son.

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