V. Late Night Calls

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Chapter 5, Late Night Calls

" My brothers might know your brother actually, Javon loves boxing and acting while Jaden loves baseball. "

~ Natalie James's POV ~

I was getting ready for bed, I took a nice long and warm shower, did my skincare routine and had even had enough time to take care of my hair.
But I wasn't tired yet, I walked out of my room but had no idea where I was going until I reached Ainsley's room.

I knocked twice, waiting for her response.
Ainsley and I were barely close, I wanted to change that since she was my little sister and because I love her.
I was lost in my thoughts until Ainsley snapped me out of it, I opened her door and walked inside.

"Hey Ainsley, I know we never hung out alone before so I wanted to change that."

She looked up from her book and smiled at me, she put in her bookmark and had wrote in her journal before giving me her full attention.
I sat on her bed and faced her, I wasn't good at conversation with people I didn't know very well.

"Ainsley, we live together and I don't even know you and it's my fault."

My voice cracked as my vision blurred, I hated not speaking to her because she's the youngest out of us.
I had to be there for her, I needed to be there for her.

"Ainsley, I'm horrible and I know I am. I love you and I'm sorry for not being there for you originally."

Ainsley wiped away the tears I had no idea that had fallen, she hugged me tightly.
I hugged back and sobbed into her shoulder, Ainsley only spoke to Dani, occasionally Garrett and a lot to mom.

"I'm not accepting your apology NJ.. We're sisters, we just need to find something in common."

I smiled at her, kissing her temple and nodding slowly.
She was right, we needed to have something in common and with the thought I looked around her room, she had many cookbooks and baking recipes.

"How about, every night when I cook dinner, we can use one of your recipes in your cookbooks and we can bond over that?"

She smiled and squealed before giving me a tight hug, I chuckled and ran my fingers through her soft hair.
I let go and kisses her forehead before getting up from her bed and walked over to the door.

"Goodnight Lovebug, choose whatever recipe you'd like and we will cook it."

I blew her a kiss and went off to my room, I was laying in bed watching Saved by the Bell when my landline started ringing.
Yes I have a landline, it's on my night stand and I have it whenever my phone dies.

The caller ID didn't seem familiar to me but who knows? Could be either an opportunity or a stranger danger in phone form.

"Hello? Arthur Residence."

There was a moment of awkward silence, I was close to hanging up until there was a sound.

"Is, is Natalie there?"

It took a minute for me to realize who was on the phone.

"This is she, hey Jayla."

Soon we began to gossip about different things going from school to sports to acting and then suddenly shifting to our siblings, the power of having a short attention span does wonders to you doesn't it?

"Garrett works in different shows and movies, but when he's not working on lines he's at the gym, boxing his heart out."

I laugh a bit as I twirl the cord, this was the happiest I've ever been.
She spoke to me about her brothers as well, Javon and Jaden were their names.

" My brothers might know your brother actually, Javon loves boxing and acting while Jaden loves baseball. "

"Your brothers sound cool, you may be the oldest but they sound like they could take care of anyone for you."

The air went dead for a minute before we started dying of laughter, we kept on adding different thing to my sentence.
At this point I had tears in my eyes and my insides were hurting the point I was doubled over.

"And, and Jaden comes with his bat and, and he-"

I interrupted myself with my own laughter, it seemed like forever until we finally calmed down.
Everything seemed funnier at night, not mention louder as well.

"Jay I forgot to ask you, but how old are you?"

I asked softly, Jayla took a moment to answer.
You could hear her take a deep breath and let it out before answering my question, maybe I asked too fast?
But if we're going to be friends, she has to be in my age range or, or I might have to forget her and I didn't want to forget someone whose already made a great impact on my life.

"NJ, I'm eighteen."

I smiled and laughed a bit, three year difference, it wouldn't be weird and at least I'd have a friend who is able to drive me around.

"Jay, hate to break it to you but I'm fifteen."

Jayla laughed at my comment and we continued to speak all night, it was around three in the morning until I yawned and Jayla decided to tell me I needed to rest.
We said our good nights and hung up, tomorrow we should definitely go to the mall, hopefully she's up for it.

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