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It was pitch black and thunder boomed as lighting streaked across the sky.

"Let me go!" I screamed, struggling to get free from the iron grip that the two grimy pirates had on my arms.

Fear cursed through my veins as I kicked out at them with my feet but one snickered and in one fluid movement, hoisted me over his shoulder.

"It was nice known' ya dearie." He chuckled. His friend snickered and waved.

"Get your foul hands-" my snarl was cut off as he threw me overboard, like a sack of wheat. I screamed as I free-fell for a few seconds then hit the ocean with a loud slap.

I struggled to get to the surface, inhaling water as a giant wave crashed on top of me and pulled me under again. I came up, coughing and sputtering, trying to clear my lungs of the salty water. The heavy thick fabric of my dress kept dragging me into the oceans dark depths.

I spotted a large plank of wood over to my right and fought to keep my head above the furious waves as I swam over to it. My shaking arms found the plank and I pulled myself halfway up on to it, and lay panting on it. I let the water carry me, but I had no idea where I was or where it was taking me.

After a few hours of floating on the plank, I started to loose consciousness from fear and exhaustion. I attempted to lift my head but my muscles wouldn't corporate with the orders sent from my brain.

I saw a huge ship, with ripped black sails, that was besides me and I heard men yelling, then a splash. My fingers wouldn't hold on anymore and I slipped off the plank of wood and started to sink into the black depths of the ocean. I took a one last breath of air before my head went under. I started to slip away when I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist and I felt myself being pulled out of the ocean. Just before I blacked out, I lifted my head and I forced my eyes open and the last thing I saw were his dark brown eyes.

I lurched up into a sitting position, coughing and hacking up water, spewing it everywhere. When I finally cleared my lungs, I looked up and saw a group of men standing around me, curious looks on all of their faces. I looked down and saw that a thick, leather cloak was wrapped around me, covering my shoulders. I started to panic, looking for a way off the ship.

"Take it easy now, love." A voice said quietly.

I looked for the owner of the voice and I saw a man that was crouched down in front of m. The shadows hid most of his face in the dark but I was able to make out a smirk on his face.

"Where am I?" I rasped, pulling the cloak tighter around my shoulders.

He stood, walked over to the rail and looked out at the sea. "The Black Pearl." He said casually, as he walked back over to me and crossed his arms.

Then it hit me. "You're Jack Sparrow." I said, more to myself than to him.

"Aye." Jack reached out a hand and I looked at it suspiciously for a moment.

"I'm not going to do anything." Jack raised and eyebrow. I grabbed it and let him pull me to my feet.

As soon as I was standing, my knees bucked, I yelped and fell-face first into his chest.

He chuckled and shook his head lightly, then slipped an arm under my legs and lifted me up off the ground.

"S-sorry." I stuttered.

"It's okay." He muttered.

A sudden wave of fatigue overcome me, I rested my head against his chest and listened to the steady beat of his heart. Jack walked into a room and laid me on a bed, then stood by the bed, looking down at me.

"Thanks Jack," I muttered, already half asleep.

He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow, but it was difficult to make out his expression in the dark.

"For saving my life." I explained hurriedly.

He gave me a slight nod, then walked out of the room and shut the door. The gentle rolling of the ship lulled me to sleep as blackness descended on me.

Unexpected (Jack Sparrow x Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora