Dreams Turned Into Living Nightmares

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"Shh." The images behind my closed eyelids prevented me from differentiating the soothing voice trying to snap me back into reality. "(Y/n), open your eyes. It was only a nightmare."

Strong, muscled arms rocked is back and forth, getting softer each time a whimper escaped my lips. "Breathe." The voice whispered softly in my ear.

"Jack?!?" I gasped, looking wildly around the cave. I tried to breathe but my lungs wouldn't corporate, refusing to expand. I started to thrash, struggling against whoever was holding me.

"(Y/n)! Calm down!" The voice grunted in my ear as I hit them with my fist.

My lungs suddenly expanded, and I started to gulp down air, choking on my eagerness to breathe. "J-Jack?...." I rasped, realizing with a jolt that it was him who held me. I slouching back against his chest and took a deep, shuddering breath.

"There we go, love." Jack murmured, stroking my hair with his hand. "Nice deep breaths."

I was shaking, my shoulders and hands quivering.

"It's okay, love. It was just a dream." Jack tightened his arms around me and I tried to get my breathing under control.

I tried to ignore the fluttering in my heart but that proved to be impossible.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck and allowed the tears to leak past my closed eyelashes.

Jack lifted my chin and gently wiped away the tears on my cheeks. I looked into his eyes, which were barely visible in the pitch black of the cave, and saw nothing but sympathy and gentleness in them. "It's alright, love." His warm breath tickled my ear as he spoke. "I'm here".

"I'm sorry." I ducked my head to avoid looking into his eyes.

He tilted my chin up again and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I broke down and wrapped my arms around his torso, then started sobbing into his chest.

He tensed for a moment then relaxed, and wrapping one arm around my shoulders and gently stoked my hair with the other. He murmured in my ear as I cried, attempting to comfort me.

I was able to pull myself together after a while, and stopped sobbing. I sighed and relaxed against his warm chest, my cheek over his heart.

Jack leaned back against the wall of the cave and continued to stroke my hair.

"Thanks Jack." I whispered, relaxing more into his chest.

"Welcome love." He kissed the top of my head and I started to sink into oblivion.

I woke to low murmuring and Jack's chest vibrating as he spoke. I felt his heartbeat beating steadily under my cheek as his chest moved slightly up and and down as he breathed.

"-he threatened to hurt her, and I attacked him..." Jack's chest vibrated as he spoke, which calmed me slightly.

"Unarmed? Jack are you crazy?!?" Nick yelled. "He could have killed you."

I stayed as still as I could, and

Jack shrugged. "I'm not dead."

I heard Nick exhale sharply through his nose and start pacing the cave.

"C'mon (y/n), I know you're awake." Jack said as he nudged my shoulder.

I sat up without a word then stood.
"How?" I faced him and raised an eyebrow.

"Well... Your breathing was to shallow and you flinched when Nick stated screaming." A ghost of a smile passed over Jack's lips.

"I was not screaming." Nick stopped in front of us and folded his arms over his chest.

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