Let Us Go

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I glanced around the brig that they had thrown me in, noting the gentle rocking from side to side. I climbed to my feet, stumbling a bit, as the ship rocked to the left.

I went to the front of the cell and looked out of the bars, my stomach churning.

"Jack?" I gasped, spotting the still form that was across from me.

"Hello love," he purred, shifting from his spot against the wall. He look at me from beneath his hat, smirking.

I gaped at him, wondering how he could be so calm. "How are you so calm?"

"Well, we aren't getting out any time soon..." He trailed off and tilted his head.

"What happened?"

"Think," he said as leaned back against the wall and pulled his hat down lower over his eyes, and closed them.

"I'm going to murder him." I snarled, and started to pave the cell. Four steps down, four steps back.

"I wouldn't do that now love," he said without opening his eyes.

I looked over at him with a glare. Why?" I huffed, but ceased the pacing.

"You're gonna need you're strength," he opens his eyes and looked at me. "Now get some sleep."

"I've been knocked out for how knows how long and you expect me to sleep?" I snapped, whirling around and slamming my fist against the wall of the ship.

"Calm down love," He said quietly. "beating a hole in the ship won't help us now."

I slumped down and leaned my head against the wall and looked at him.

"Much better." He nodded and closed his eyes again.

"Jack?" I asked.

"Yes love?"

"Are we going to escape?"

He sat up and looked at me. I did need an answer, his expression said it all. "I don't know..."

I pulled my gaze away from him and glared at the wall.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked quietly.

"I'm not sure but my head hurts like crazy,"

He didn't say anything so I curled up against the wall and closed my eyes.

I heard him shift and sigh, then everything was silent.

I awoke to the brig door being opened, then footsteps coming towards the cells that we were in.

I sat up and saw that jack was already on his feet, looking a bored as ever.

"Captain Teague wishes to speak with you two." A voice said that made my blood run cold.

A look of shock and pain flashed across Jack's face but then it disappeared a second later.

"Since when did you start working for him?" Jack asked, scowling.

Nick rolled his eyes. "None of your business."

"Of course, my bad." Jack's voice was bathed in sarcasm as he ducked his head.

Nick let Jack out of his cell then moved to unlock mine.

"Long time no see." Nick nodded at me.

"Shut up!" The door swung open and I stepped out then lunged for Nick.

I felt hands grab my shoulders and jerk me back. I crashed back against Jack's chest, breathing heavily.

"Not yet love." Jack breathed in my ear.

Unexpected (Jack Sparrow x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin